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Thread: Is it 'Cold Bore' or 'Foul Bore' ?

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Bay of plenty
    Quote Originally Posted by fernleaf View Post
    Yep, get rid of the carbon after each shooting sesh, but leave the copper. Once you notice your groups opening up (round count will be totally dependent on your rifle - might be as low as nine or as high as 125), then get rid of all the copper and start again.
    Like anything in shooting. It’s all about consistency and is dependant on projectiles, bore condition & wear, and lots of other variables. The worst copper fouling used to occur with fmj military projectiles. Modern match bullets are completely different and I can’t remember when I last had to get the sweets solvent out. I also think many of the new chemical bore solvents are also more efficient in removing fouling than sweets and hoppes.

    In good barrels I no longer clean and clean and clean and instead remove carbon with a good solvent and brass brush and then leave Collings solvent in the bore. Great stuff that and pleased to see steve is still making it..

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Always scrub barrel with Hoppes No9 after use have done since I began shooting 50 years back, never had a problem with it. Don't notice much in the way of point of impact changes either. Once copper builds up a soak and scrub with K12 seems to fix it. Never oil barrel Hoppes is all that is needed.
    Trout likes this.



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