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  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    i think kroil is a winner
    the dude from Gunworks wrote an article about kroil saying that a lite cote of Kroil after cleaning for storage till using it again goes a long way to alleviate this problem and i totally agree with him i don,t seem to have this problem any more but please make sure you always put a patch through the barrel before using your firearm again
    in fact i now have changed the way i clean my barrels
    , i use a good quality carbon remover (KG1 is good) that removes powder fouling and carbon build up, then i use kroil seems to take me less time to clean

  2. #17
    Member mawzer308's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Central Plateau
    Lads to answer your questions I have used CLP, engine oil, Boretech, collings solvent all of them affected the first shot in the same way. Bore was always wiped clean prior to firing but to no avail.

    As Dogmatix stated wiping the bore clean with an oil neutralising solvent worked wonders, it brought the first cold shot right down to where it should be. Problem solved cheers @dogmatix legend.



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