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Thread: COLFO ?

  1. #16
    Member aetchell's Avatar
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    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    They are trying desperately to discredit COLFO. Suddenly feign concern that lawful firearms owners are misrepresented. What!?! I did not hear #Hera Cook and #Marie Russel protesting over the rushed sham select committee 3-months-into-a-weekend undemocratic "consultation" earlier this year. No doubt COLFO listens to more shooters than Cook/Russell ever did.
    I tried in vein to engage with Hera Cook and her lot a few months ago. I asked hard questions and they just dismissed them, I offered to take them on a hunt or to a range too. I also tried to call them out on the discriminatory rhetoric they use on that half baked shitty little website they managed to cobble together. I found it interesting how they moderated comments on all the facebook posts too. pretty much zero posts ended up being visible. They blamed it on trolls but I think a lot of it was actually license holders asking sensible or hard to answer questions. The lack of supporting comments from the pro-gun control group spoke volumes about the impact Hera Crook and here lefty goblins have actually garnered.

  2. #17
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    There was an interesting podcast on National radio last night where Hera Cook was prattling on over COLFo's lack of ability to confirm the true numbers of the people they represent. It was not a completely 50/50 balanced article but I came away and thought that COLFO were starting to rattle their cages as the issues they were trying to embarrass COLFO over were not the real argument at hand.. Even National Radio which is supposed to be for the people had a left leaning bias towards the radicals.
    Nevertheless the whole presentation left me with a firm position that we need to continue our support of COLFO and for us to unite as one voice.

  3. #18
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mimms View Post
    Send lawyers, guns and money eh?
    Pay my lawyer, he wanted a third yacht for this season.

    Whats that march about?
    Wish we could do that here...
    Use enough gun

  4. #19
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Colfo are doing a good job with what resources they have.
    They are volunteers sacrificing their own time taking on Government, Police Union, tax paid University Lecturers and the generally crooked media.
    I pay numerous Colfo fees through a number of organizations and if you look at their budget you can't expect magic.
    ebf, mikee, Steve123 and 2 others like this.

  5. #20
    I think they are doing a good job they just arent in the media constantly trying to prove what fukwits they can be like their opposition they are quietly chipping away as they know they have limited funds and will only get one crack at it so need to get it right

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    a distant time zone...
    IMO COLFO's 'fair and reasonable'-titled strategy is just about the pitch-perfect way to counterattack the unfair and unreasonable.

  7. #22
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    Ararimu, Auckland
    A copy of my submission to the Royal Enquiry - a bit long for here but it is what it is.

    We need to make sure the knowledge and experience about acquiring firearms and firearm rules are presented by responsible firearms owners. The massacre in Christchurch should not have happened but it did. The laws of our land that existed at the time were sufficient to prevent this but I believe the Police were underfunded to properly apply the law of our land as it existed without the need to have knee jerk reactions to this heinous crime.

    Proposals to alter the Firearm laws will impose great restrictions on the law-abiding people of NZ. The statistics from the Police show that the vast majority of firearm related crimes are not committed by the correctly licensed people but by criminals or people with a criminal intent. Proposals suggested will impact on the honest people and not those who are creating the problems. When will Politicians listen to its people and understand that everyone rejects the actions of the perpetrator of the Christchurch shootings and yes we should have laws that prevent such occurrences. Yet we need to ensure that it is those who have the criminal intent that are penalised. To date I have not read of any such measures - all we here is how the Government plans to tighten up on those already taking their legal responsibilities seriously.

    In our society and democracy, we abide by a genuine set of values and conditions and pay a penalty if we do not live up to those. Yet here we have a series of people trying to impose their lifestyle on me and not respecting my privilege to hold and use a firearm. I have not broken any laws - I have abided by all my license requirements and yet I will pay a price for the actions of the selfish few. In all this rhetoric has anyone explained or proposed a way to get all the illegal guns out of the criminal underworld? The answer is No. Why don't we focus on the people who are holding firearms illegally and remove them and the illegal firearms from society and at the same time support the good efforts of those who have committed to the correct process of firearm licensing and ownership. It does not make any sense to penalise the good majority to try to influence the less desirables. It does not work!

    I also believe that if the Police were resourced more competently, they would be able to enforce the existing laws more effectively and possibly have avoided the Christchurch shootings. I know the process I have gone through on two separate occasions in obtaining my firearms license and in all cases the checking process was thorough and I did not mind the imposition. It was a privilege that I respected and now enjoy and protect this opportunity. I cannot call it a right here in NZ yet why should the majority of us suffer because of the actions of a few yet pay the penalty for their errors instead of the impositions being placed on them. We are approaching this back to front.

    I see an upswing in support from the urban population to all this and that worries me. People in urban centres are removed from the realities of rural life or of those who enjoy the sport of rifle range shooting. Unless people correctly understand the implication over what they are talking about then a balanced approach must be achieved. This government needs to make sure that this balance is achieved and that those who have had little to no involvement with firearms do not dictate the direction we head as a nation. I am not restricting their right to express their concerns just as I am entitled to express mine however decisions by any government need to balance the good will of all its people in a serious, well considered and represented matters of fact. Rushed bad legislation is not what is required here.
    mikee, erniec, Micky Duck and 2 others like this.

  8. #23
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    ...there will not be a return to the way it was but I am optimistic about the prospect of some degree of good sense walk back.
    Yes, why are we not allowed to retain some optimism? If my COLFO donations help put the brakes on, that is fine, if the waggon moves a bit backwards... ecstasy!
    mikee and chainsaw like this.

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    NI, Masterton
    Quote Originally Posted by aetchell View Post
    I tried in vein to engage with Hera Cook and her lot a few months ago. I asked hard questions and they just dismissed them, I offered to take them on a hunt or to a range too. I also tried to call them out on the discriminatory rhetoric they use on that half baked shitty little website they managed to cobble together. I found it interesting how they moderated comments on all the facebook posts too. pretty much zero posts ended up being visible. They blamed it on trolls but I think a lot of it was actually license holders asking sensible or hard to answer questions. The lack of supporting comments from the pro-gun control group spoke volumes about the impact Hera Crook and here lefty goblins have actually garnered.
    The are anti vaxers. Everything they push furthers their confirmation bias towards firearms. as said above, they will not answer any questions on their FB page as that leads them into debate, and their not up for that as its to difficult for them. Unfortunately the media love them, as can be seen by the coverage they get. They have been visiting parliament and pushing their agenda onto MP's. They are now applying to charities for funding to allow them to mount a campaign against us. Below is what they are up to at the moment.

    How you can help get effective gun control
    1. Consider donating some more to Gun Control NZ. We're going to be concentrating our funding on a social media campaign to encourage people to make submissions to Parliament on the next round of legislation. We need some more money to pay for content production and advertising/social media boosts. Our bank account is
    Gun Control NZ Incorporated 38 9020 0520557 00
    2. We need your help to spread the word about Gun Control NZ. Please tell your friends and family about us: face to face, via email or social media. Please get the word out. If you have any blogs, websites or public social media profiles, please also include our website: Gun Control NZ This helps move us up the Google search rankings so other people can find us too.
    3. If you belong to another organisation (peace groups, women’s organisations, professional groups, unions, faith groups etc) that has an interest in gun control, please encourage them to join Gun Control NZ as an affiliate and endorse our platform. We need to build a broad coalition to effect change.
    4. Do you have any famous (in NZ) or influential friends? Are you famous or influential in NZ? We are always on the looking for people with a strong public profile who are willing to speak publicly about gun control. Drop us a line info@guncontrol.nz if you can help us recruit someone influential to the cause.
    5. Have you had any direct experience of gun violence? We’re seeking people who are willing to share their personal stories about why they support gun control.
    6. Volunteer with us. We’re on the look out for people with video production/editing skills, as well as anyone with communications, media or marketing backgrounds. We need help with other things too, so drop us a line if you’re interested.

    So not only are we fighting govt on the current gun issues, but these fuckwits are wanting to remove what little we are going to have left. This is why we all need to get behind COLFO, this will be our last roll of the dice.
    SIKAHUNTER and mikee like this.

  10. #25
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by 40mm View Post
    Whats that march about?
    Wish we could do that here...
    its over in hong kong i think signs in chinese and some say "no extradition"

  11. #26
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Bunch of dangerous Wally’s
    It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
    What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
    Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
    Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
    Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
    Rule 5: Check your firing zone
    Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
    Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms

  12. #27
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    I think not talking to the media is not a good idea. She should have come forward with the number of members.
    Our even issued a statement on the number of annoyed firearms owners.
    No comments is not a great look. I would have said hold on one second while I get out the register it would have shut up them two fools in Otago.
    But then again maybe there frying bigger fish...and this isn’t in there mission statement.
    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
    I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.

  13. #28
    Member canross's Avatar
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    My general impression is that Colfo's doing a lot of work and fighting the battle on behalf of a lot of people that are either to cheap/lazy to do something, or are completely ignorant of what's going on. Pretty constant stream of email updates coming out of Colfo and associates on their activities when they can be open about what they're doing. Given the kind of shoe string budget and limited active numbers they're working with they're doing a fantastic job.

    If we want to see more action I think it's going to take visible, physical action from the firearms community at large. Have only seen one person actually protesting a confiscation event and he was a young guy who had less to lose than most. I suspect many aren't bothered to actually write and send mail to their MP's, even though it's free. If we don't write letters to our MP's, show up at meet and greet events to let them know we're part of their constituency, volunteer with Colfo, what do we really expect to happen? I'm guilty of it myself, I've got letters typed up to print and sign and I haven't done it yet. Keep meaning to send money to Colfo with each paycheque and haven't. Posting it on here holds me a bit accountable I guess

    The Colfo representatives aren't professional politicians or lobbyists, so they aren't going to seem as smooth and maneuverable as the people we're used to seeing on TV speaking about issues. I guess if anyone knows a good quality advertising and marketing company that's pro hunting/shooting they could really help Colfo with their image and message? Fact is the firearms community has the high ground when it comes to facts and logic, we just aren't used to putting ourselves forward like the anti-gun drama queens that live for the lime-light.
    Last edited by canross; 22-08-2019 at 09:56 PM.
    Ranger 888 likes this.

  14. #29
    Large Member mimms's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Percy Jones View Post
    2. We need your help to spread the word about Gun Control NZ. Please tell your friends and family about us: face to face, via email or social media. Please get the word out. If you have any blogs, websites or public social media profiles, please also include our website: Gun Control NZ .
    4. Do you have any famous (in NZ) or influential friends? Are you famous or influential in NZ? We are always on the looking for people with a strong public profile who are willing to speak publicly about gun control. Drop us a line info@guncontrol.nz

    So not only are we fighting govt on the current gun issues, but these fuckwits are wanting to remove what little we are going to have left. This is why we all need to get behind COLFO, this will be our last roll of the dice.
    Anyone here willing to donate to a DDOS service ("hack") to take down their webserver?

    Aother company to boycott, or send strongly worded emails to, that site was registered through "iwantmyname"

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Ararimu, Auckland
    Quote Originally Posted by canross View Post
    My general impression is that Colfo's doing a lot of work and fighting the battle on behalf of a lot of people that are either to cheap/lazy to do something, or are completely ignorant of what's going on. Pretty constant stream of email updates coming out of Colfo and associates on their activities when they can be open about what they're doing. Given the kind of shoe string budget and limited active numbers they're working with they're doing a fantastic job.

    If we want to see more action I think it's going to take visible, physical action from the firearms community at large. Have only seen one person actually protesting a confiscation event and he was a young guy who had less to lose than most. I suspect many aren't bothered to actually write and send mail to their MP's, even though it's free. If we don't write letters to our MP's, show up at meet and greet events to let them know we're part of their constituency, volunteer with Colfo, what do we really expect to happen? I'm guilty of it myself, I've got letters typed up to print and sign and I haven't done it yet. Keep meaning to send money to Colfo with each paycheque and haven't. Posting it on here holds me a bit accountable I guess

    The Colfo representatives aren't professional politicians or lobbyists, so they aren't going to seem as smooth and maneuverable as the people we're used to seeing on TV speaking about issues. I guess if anyone knows a good quality advertising and marketing company that's pro hunting/shooting they could really help Colfo with their image and message? Fact is the firearms community has the high ground when it comes to facts and logic, we just aren't used to putting ourselves forward like the anti-gun drama queens that live for the lime-light.
    Ive approached my local MP and so have many others here in the Hunua electorate. Instead of getting a one on one meeting it seems our MP has several people wanting to talk to him over this issue. I'm waiting to see if there is going to be a group meeting to voice our concerns. Seems the ground swell out this way has resulted in his electoral office having to take a different approach to meeting his constituents. All I can add is - Watch this space! It seems we are getting some cohesion albeit on a small scale.
    canross likes this.



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