Well played norsk !
Well played norsk !
Magnum originally meant extended case ie the .357 magnum is the extended case version of the .38 special.
The belts on belted magnums were initially put on the .375 H&H magnum (rimless nitro express originally) as it was believed there was not enough shoulder for reliable head spacing.
They then became marketing tags as used by Weatherby, Winchester and Remington who used the .375 as a parent case for their subsequent magnum cartridges. And thus the “belted magnums” were born.
This is similar to the “express” tag used for marketing the latest and greatest big game cartridges at the turn of the 20th century.
Magnum is mostly and American thing, European cartridges don’t get the magnum tag despite case size and velocity ie a 7x64 isn’t called a 7x57 magnum
We have gone a away from the magnum marketing now and most new cartridges don’t get the tag despite being very fast ie Nosler, Ruger, Dakota etc.
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"Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
And I wonder where the .270win would be without Jack O’Conner...?
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"O what a day, what a lovely day"
I’d pick my 7mm RM Before my .270 for a trip up on the Kaweka tops any day!
Kaweka tops = Magnum Country
That’s a terrible article, firstly because of the opinion based manner that the information is presented and secondly because everyone knows 7mm is king hahah![]()
Hey, here’s an idea!
Blow out the 270 to 30 calibre,,
Name it something like oh 30-06...
THEN you’ll have a REAL cartridge!![]()
All pea shooters so far...
REAL men pull strings to fire their rifles.
Use enough gun
The truth is that the 7*61S&H and the 300Win mag, the 7mm rem mag are correctly classed as "short magnums"; all being no longer than 30-06 in essence. They were the true original "short magnums".
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.