I BELIEVE Dreamer shot unsupported 2 shots at 108 YARDS the first longer shot wasnt standing.....
I BELIEVE Dreamer shot unsupported 2 shots at 108 YARDS the first longer shot wasnt standing.....
75/15/10 black powder matters
So disgusted the our day I didn't retrieve the plate, 1 st shot yer beauty, fired 2 more and didn't see a hit. Back for a shot today recovered the plate so 2 out of 3 ait bad. Still a good challenge, swear I was better when I was younger, take a rabbit most times.
That’s great shooting @Dreamer. What’s your plate size? Not that it matter since you’re in the middle. 👍
Remember the 7 “P”s; Pryor Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
We’ll done @Micky Duck, that’s in the engine room.
As long as it’s a 200pound boar 😂
Remember the 7 “P”s; Pryor Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.
I been missing things as of late too!!!!!! as long as its not the plate LOL....
I was being a bit tongue in cheek re lead sled.....could have put,shooting bench,rifle vice, rail gun,25lb rifle and would still read the same.
unsupported shot = you plus rifle plus what you normally take hunting,the bipod is now pretty much standard for lots of folks,so its a bit of grey area as to if you still unsupported.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Think I found my missing 100m standing shot, the others were using full height home made shooting sticks, massive difference. Carry them always, doubles up as walking stick.
Thanks @2post. The plate circle is 10 inches
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"O what a day, what a lovely day"
Greetings All,
It has been a lovely day so after lunch I made myself a dinner plate target (felt marker circle on paper 195mm dia) and had one shot at 100 metres. I fired sitting using a pair of sticks and the shot went 65mm high and 35mm right of center. The rifle had been roughly zeroed for this projectile, my practise load, and was shot today with a cold clean barrel. In spite of leaving my glasses in the shed and shooting over the sticks I felt pretty steady so I am asking myself.
Is the rifle shooting high because of the rough zero, the cold clean barrel or is it Grandpamac error? Would it be any different with my hunting loads? How would I go at 200 metres, 300 metres?
Honestly I don't know the answer but intend to find out.
Regards Grandpamac.
Just seen this thread.
I like this idea, its all good and well walking a shot onto a plate at LR, anyone can do that. But this is a true test of the cold bore first shot counts when in the field shooting at a deer.
I've been away on a hunting trip over the weekend. Had my 7mm SAUM, it hadnt been fired since shooting its last 2 deer a couple of months back. Anyway, late sat arvo my 'dinner plate' (red yearlings shoulder) was at 405 yards, I dialed up the required 4.5 MOA, held a very small amount for the light right to left breeze and fired.
My 'dinner plate' jumped and lurched forward into the adjacent scrub. I headed around and dropped down, and found the little red deer with a nice hole thru its nearside dinner plate, and a larger messier hole thru its offside dinner plate with a piece of lung hanging out of it. The dinner plate is now in pieces chillaxing in my beer fridge.
I was prone obviously, harris bipod, and i used my camera bag stuffed with my thick fleece gloves as a rear support under the back of the stock, just as I always do for a long-range hunting shot.
Seriously though, this dinner plate challenge is a good test of equipment and shooter. I paint 3" pink dots on my white gong plates, if I cannot hit that pink dot with a cold bore shot at 400 yards (max distance available at my local range) after pulling the rifle out of the gun bag then my equipment and/or me need some work.
Last edited by GWH; 30-06-2022 at 04:53 PM.
I did something like this when my son in law started shooting
But used orange clay targets
Sets of nails to hold 5 clay targets spread on the range board
Made him shoot them off hand at about 25m until he could constantly hit them all
Then he would step back 10m more and do it again
He improved heaps in only a few sessions
Now he's quite capable even with my really big rifles
This is my boys dinner plate from a month ago (well it at least ended up on his dinner plate) about 80yards prone 243 win
He had never fired this rifle before and no adjustments have been made to this rifle setup in over 16 years
Says to me while getting behind the rifle should I aim for the crease of its shoulder again. Yep is my reply
And that is where he sent it right in centre of the crease it never took a step![]()