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Thread: E cat endorsement question

  1. #1
    swp is offline
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    E cat endorsement question

    Hi all,

    Wow theres loads of info here, kinda got me swamped! Lol.

    My question is in regard to obtaining an E endorsement on my license. I purchased a whindam .223 with a pistol grip stock prior to the law change, I should have done my home work I know, but is it as simple as getting an e class safe and then an e endorsement will be allowed? Or do I need to join a shooting club? Or....?

    Thanks in advance if you can shed some light!


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    They are going to wave the application fee but you will need the safe and meet all the rest of the criteria, you will need to belong to a club and get two solid referees. Otherwise purchase a new thumbhole stock and just use it as an A cat rifle.

  3. #3
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by foxhound View Post
    They are going to wave the application fee but you will need the safe and meet all the rest of the criteria, you will need to belong to a club and get two solid referees. Otherwise purchase a new thumbhole stock and just use it as an A cat rifle.
    And a genuine reason, apparently "because you brought it when it was A cat" is not good enough.
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  4. #4
    swp is offline
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    Thanks for the relpys, hmmm id better look into a club ASAP, assumably thats a genuine reason? .. and find an affordable e cat safe.
    Thanks again.

  5. #5
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    One of Digits new stocks is a more cost effective solution unless you can see a benefit to getting an E cat.

  6. #6
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Where are you located?

  7. #7
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    This was posted on another forum I am a longtime member of, Post author says its OK to post "far and wide" so here it is
    Name:  form edited.JPG
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    might help. Police can use "reasons for owning" as "Condition on use" in other words if you use "competitive shooting" and no longer shoot competitively then you can't use it for other things technically

    Clubs have also been advised to "be careful" of supporting "people" who are applying for the Free E as a result of the law change as "they may no longer be suitable to own this type of firearm"

    WTF, if they were fit and proper before then why not now??????????????????????????????
    Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!

  8. #8
    P38 is offline
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    Contrary to the advise given above, You do not need to be a member of any club to gain an E endorsement (although this will help).

    However you will need to provide a genuine reason and upgrade your security to meet the regulations for storage of E endorsed firearms.

    Some acceptable reasons are,

    You currently compete in, or wish to compete in Military/Service Rifle and or 3 Gun shooting competitions.
    Your employed in pest control and require an E endorsed rifle to work as such.
    You belong to an incorporated society or approved club who's usual activities include shooting E endorsed rifles.
    Or any other lawful use that you may be interested in from time to time.

    There's many other reasons but these will get you there.

    Good solid Referees are also going to be required.

    Many people I know including myself were not members of any such club when we gained our E endorsements when they first came into being.
    One of my reasons listed at the time for E endorsement was Goat culling, along with a desire to compete in 3 gun matches.
    I listed these reasons again when I went through relicensing at the beginning of this year.

    That said the cost of a new stock will be far less in both time, money and inconvenience than applying for E endorsement and upgrading your security.

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  9. #9
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    I got my Free E during the original Butthole fiasco.

    I cant say the screws were turned on then as to why. Then again they were also in the shit as alot of people had gone and bought safes. I think they'll be dished out relatively easily. That way "they" get to know where all these evil guns are.

  10. #10
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    There is a little bit of law...and ALOT of police policy when it comes to the E cat firearms.

    There is even some rubbish that has been circulating for years that you cannot hunt with an E cat firearm, I spoke to a then local arms officer who said , we will make me sign some mystery form that states i will never hunt with one....Police Policy, not law, very much the same as if you want to import an E cat firearm or Mag, you have to swap one, no not law.
    Last edited by savageshooter; 29-12-2013 at 01:48 PM.

  11. #11
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    If something isn't written in law...you can't break an imaginary law

  12. #12
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    I used to take my NEA hunting when it was an A cat rifle, haven't taken it since it morphed into an E cat. I showed a mate it and the first words out of his mouth were AK47 haha.
    Had to correct him and he is a shooter himself. I've asked people what would they think if they saw someone in the field hunting with an AR, the response most of them would freak. (thanks to the movies)
    So I take the mini 14 until I get another AR and keep that one as A cat. (maybe another nea 14.5 suppressed)

  13. #13
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    Amusing isn't it , "when flintlocks were invented, who needs a flintlock for hunting how unsporting"m then the percussion cap was invented "who needs a percussion cap firearm for hunting how unsporting!" then the cartridge was invented who needs a cartridge firearm, for hunting how unsporting!" When spitzer bullets were invented, "who needs these new straighter flying bullets, how unsporting!". Magazine feed firearms were invented " who needs all those bullets, how unsporting!".....semiautos were invented..and for hunting first i might add..."who needs a............

    Same goes for telescopic sights and other innovations...

    And today you still hear the same shit.

    So when some silly old bugger(or silly younger bugger who think he knows best) see's you with whatever firearm you prefer and tells you all you need is a .303.....

    Yeah you get the picture.
    Last edited by savageshooter; 29-12-2013 at 02:52 PM.
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  14. #14
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I believe the Dryse needle gun was considered a terror weapon when it was fielded by the Prussians. I long for the day military's adopt energy weapons, the I can shoot my black rifles in peace and be a fudd and say you don't need a laser gun to shoot deer...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    I believe the Dryse needle gun was considered a terror weapon when it was fielded by the Prussians. I long for the day military's adopt energy weapons, the I can shoot my black rifles in peace and be a fudd and say you don't need a laser gun to shoot deer...
    Yeah same goes for those air rifles the Austrians? had..Napoleans boys executed you straight away if you got found with one.

    Yep theres no end to this crap. Shooters are their won worst enemy.



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