A good idea might be to put down "all lawful sufficient and proper purposes congruent with s45 of the Arms Act 1983."
I put that down and it wasn't questioned and no condition as to use was otherwise put on the endorsement
Any lawful purpose should be sufficient reason. Service rifle, hunting, collection etc. Thankfully my AOs are great.
No problem at all. Hunting is a perfectly legitimate use. In parliamentary records, it says that MSSA's are used by legitimate hunters and that is a reason to have one. I along with every other E endorsement holder I know, (maybe like 20 or 30) have no restrictions whatsoever and most of them hunt with their MSSA's.
When I applied for my endorsement, I stated every possible legitimate use and added "plus any other legal shooting discipline that may interest me in the future".
The vettor that came around was impressed with how I covered all bases.
So far as I know there are no conditions/restrictions on my endorsement. At least there is nothing I have been made aware of anyway.
Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh
So, does anyone have a restriction or condition of use regarding their endorsement?
Let me know how you get on, it'll be tough to approve the Pol67X as you're not documenting the 'proper' use which it will be used for.
It's all fine and dandy to hide behind legal semantics - gives you a healthy self-righteous glow but all you end up doing is making a nuisance of yourself to those who would have otherwise happily helped you anyway.
KScott as others had said, put down as many uses as possible, from 3 gun, Service rifle, collection, target shooting, pest control and hunting etc. I put all those and have no restrictions on my endorsement.
Hunting is a legitimate use of rifles be they A or E category they fall under.
Cheers and goodluck.
Lead delivery technician, Bulk orders welcome!!
got mine recently in nelson no problem or restrictions
Addicted to gun powder
My AO was a good bloke, I had written down SR, 3gun and hunting, and he said what else should we write down...
Like anything they are not stupid, and probably can read us a lot better than most, considering they have been policing for a lifetime...
We have the same AO. He's great and got me to do the same thing. Now everything is on my application form.