@Woody Having been a Pony Club Instructor, a Rider to Hounds and a Senior Show Jumping judge for many years, I can authoritatively tell you, yes.
HOWEVER, (there is always a however,) conditions apply as to the type and, dare I say it, method and location of their application.
Back on topic - popped in to local Farmlands this morning to grab a few boxes of 223. Fiocchi USA 55sp 50-packs at 78c/round at the clearance prices. Hard to beat that anywhere else..
Shelves were emptying pretty quick, so don’t waste time if you’re after anything.
Still had a bit of 222, 308, 7-08, 22mag, 22, plenty of shotgun, various other stuff..
Staffer agreed with my comment of ‘strangulation by red tape’ and described the situation as ridiculous.
I was pleasantly surprised when we moved down here to discover you can buy ammunition at the wee local Postshop but even he's knocking it on the head soon as he did it pretty much as a favour to locals and being the closest shop to the blue mountains blocks.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Just popped down to local Farmlands store picked some ammo ..
Going fast at a good price
Farmlands WANGANUI
No stock as they say they have never sold ammunition.
My two local Farmlands branches have never had much of a selection of ammo, usually just some .22lr (which has been out of stock for months), a bit of 12g turns up in April and a couple of packets of Winchester 7mm08.
OK i was in gisborne farmlands today and there was still a bit of 7mm08,308,270,243,a few 22-250 and 223. Also shotgun ammo.
Farmland taihape has got about 10 tubs of 2208 if anyone keen cheers
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