As some of you may realize I have been running field target shooting competitions for a few NZDA branches over the last couple of years. I thought I would put together a post on here just explaining what they are. I am putting this here in the hope that others may get keen and put together their own field shoots.
The basic premise for a field target shoot is to get the competitors off a flat range. I have heard it described as the closest we can get to hunting without animals and within the safety rules.
There are two basic field target shoot formats – long range and short range. The long range ones are a little more common these days (Gunslinger challenges, Hangawera Sniper Shoot, etc…)and in my experience they are not too difficult to set up once you have a suitable property to run one on. Short range field shoots (run under the format I use) are much more difficult to set up. This is mainly to do with one of the fundamental rules I have in place for my shoots. This rule is “The competitor may employ any shooting position they wish along with any shooting aid/support they are happy to carry as long as they can physically touch the marked shooting position”.
This rule allows the shooter a huge degree of freedom to shoot however they wish to – I aim not to have to tell competitors “This target shall be shot from the sitting position”. Within this rule i try very hard to set targets and shoot positions such to force competitors to think about what position they will use. I must admit a sense of satisfaction when a competitor hurries to a shoot location only to have to fumble round trying to work out a good solid shooting position where they can see they target.
I also use time limit on stages to force the competitor into motion. I like to convince myself that by allowing a first shot to be untimed means inexperienced shooters can focus on their first shot. In reality i find myself struggling to focus on the first shot when i know i will have to hurry up and reload to fire the second one!
Anyways if someone has a property that would be will ing host a field shoot (.22LR, short range center fire or long range center fire) then feel free to get in touch. My set up is easily transportable (within driving distance anyway). If anyone has a field target shoot coming up i would be keen to come along if i could.
A few photos taken at various shoots:
.22LR field shoot - under a time limit - yes girls are more than welcome!
.22LR field shoot - myself carrying all the gear i needed for the day.
.22LR field shoot - improvised position.
.22LR field shoot
Short range center fire field shoot - Steep uphill sitting.
Short range center fire field shoot - standing.
Short range center fire field shoot - great for a lefty!
Short range center fire field shoot - Ready, set, ... Go!
Short range center fire field shoot - 360m with a .223... hit!
Short range center fire field shoot - Time limits suck!
Short range center fire field shoot - Taihape!
Short range center fire field shoot - Someone a few might know.
Short range center fire field shoot - Tree hugger!
Short range center fire field shoot - Are those ear muffs just for show or what!