when I first bought my .223 I purchased 100 rounds of the norinco yellow box ammo Nathan Foster talks about to break her in and use for shooting wallabies as we went out every month to feed our dogs (pre big 1080 campaigns) I shot everything from hare to goats with that 100 rounds and everthing I saw backs up what he says...they are a unique round very loud/hot/fast and have "some" recoil unlike my milder reloads...noticeably different to shoot.
so yes SOME fmj works very well on game but a good soft point or barnes will usually do better.
and yes the .303 would shed jacket in barrel, if you saw pink colored material when you "dum dumed" a projectile you chucked it out and didn't do any others with same head stamp.
to say it didn't happen is naïve just have a look around/read a bit more or ask old fellas who have been there and done that.