Hi Guys,
May need to get a little more free-bore put in to a 284 Winchester Kreiger barrel and wondered who you would trust to do this?
Hi Guys,
May need to get a little more free-bore put in to a 284 Winchester Kreiger barrel and wondered who you would trust to do this?
I'd talk to @Fiwi on here as he's Hamilton based with DPT or I'd use Scott Trail at SSRNZ
I'm drawn to the mountains and streams, its where life is clear, where the world makes most sense!
Dave Ward in Dovedale did my .284 and its awesome.
We haven't got the throating reamers to do that type of work. Sorry.
Hi Marty,
Just weighing up all the possibilities in case the bullet is too far into the case. Will know soon enough.
Not this one
It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.
Isn't the gunsmith at Reloaders supposed to be pretty good? I heard he is a former fitter turner.
Mike Collings in Whakatane
Have you called Tru-flite or Hardy.
Thanks Guys,
@zimmer private messaged me and explained the pitfalls of doing this with an already fired barrel.
I will forgo this procedure and try the projectiles. If they ( Lapua 180gr) are too difficult probably go to Sierra's or Bergers.