This will help judge what range
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Can't see legs at 400 yards.
Pressume that's 4X.... (lack of legs)
is a cow with no legs a ranch slider or ground beef ?
Having a higher scope mount (not in price, but above bore axis) also allows you more play in terms of point of aim / point of impact compromise - making a rangefinder less necessary.
Have a play with this calculator: | Point Blank Range Calculator
In terms of optics, the monocular built into your SNDWAY 1000, how good is it? Does it have decent contrast with the sun in your face? When you have focused, is the image sharp out to the edges? (I'm wondering if the compromise of getting one and then leaving my binoculars at home is feasible)
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Depends entirely on the individuals own hunting ethics.
Personally I won’t pull the trigger on an animal unless I know exactly what the range is regardless if it’s 80m or 800mtrs. That requires the use of a range finder. All you ‘snipers’ out there that think you can pin the range within an acceptable tolerance level across the likely hunting environments in NZ are dreamers. And that’s without taking any environmental factors into consideration.
Clearly some other members hunting ethics are a little looser based on their responses.
Just buy a fucking range finder.
Speaking of ethics... knowing that deer is at 754 metres, that does not by itself make taking a shot at it ethical.
In this thread we are discussing sticking to point blank ranges for ethical reasons, so why this ethics sermon? Don't have to be anywbere near a gear junkie to hunt ethically at non-sniper ranges, I'm sure you will be happy to agree @Proudkiwi.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it.
Sermon is an interesting choice of word. Usually the domain of those individuals that favour fantasy over fact. Not really my scene.
For clarity, let me repeat. My hunting ethics wont allow me to shoot an animal at an unknown distance regardless of what the distance is. The most accurate and quick way to determine an unknown distance is with a range finder.
Given your challenge with comprehension, let me expand on what I assumed would be plenty obvious for all but the most retarded. There are lots of other factors that one should take into consideration when deciding on whether to pull the trigger but since no one has mentioned any of them in any detail and the thread is literally about distance, adding them would have been pointless.
Last edited by Proudkiwi; 23-09-2018 at 06:29 PM.
Search "NZ Tahr Hunting" on youtube and it wont take you long to find a (one of the many) video of some idiot taking 6 shots at an animal before finally hitting it because guncity or HnF sold him a 7mm rem mag with a VX1 and duplex reticle and he thinks "its all good out to 400 bro" and he thinks he can judge distance and holdover without a rangefinder or reticle/dial.
Get a rangefinder if you want to shoot at stuff thats more than a couple powerpoles away.
Flappy Disc Customs Bespoke Hunting Rifles
Another advantage of your sticking to 150m or less. If you use a full power .30 rifle don't worry about compensating for wind.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
well simply....faaark thats a long way away...better get closer....yip that looks to be sub 300yards BOOM dead deer. in the bush its a non issue a long shot is 75 yards and clearings have been measured with google earth at my one lookout point is 300 yards to near end of clearing and 350 to top problems with .270 but shit out of luck if I m carrying the x39.