I have a long barrel .22? It doesn't seem long. Seems tiny after using my old air rifle. Interesting
I have a long barrel .22? It doesn't seem long. Seems tiny after using my old air rifle. Interesting
Nup. I have a truckload of Eley standard velocity match and it must be hanging around close to supersonic, as its noisier than I would like. I just purchased some Hornady subsonic, and its far more 'click/whuuur thok' stuff. Far quieter.
A lot of american subsonic ammo is made for semis, and is marginal on the supersonic/subsonic speed if not used in a semi-auto.
Hence people like CCI sell sub-suppressor or quiets.
I have 3 22s, a little badger, a browning trombone, and a savage bolt. All get silent all your hear is the click then impact levels of noise using quiet or sub-suppressor ammo. All use DPT cans.
What's this stuff like, says its 45gr and nearly as fast
should be great..... and you dont need to change your barrel AT ALL... beautiful rifle...its a bugger I live so far from you or could sort this in a jiffy... just need to try something else and workout whats normal...as yo usaid you dont know what you dont know... my air rifle is louder than subsonic 22lr through suppressor.
75/15/10 black powder matters
That's great ammo if your rifle groups it well. I've shot it a bit and it works well on critters and never goes crack. I have had the same issue as you with CCI Subsonic - would often go crack.
If you can watch for the sales and get in immediately if GC do a deal on that CCI Suppressor - it's become very spendy lately
I also had that crack issue with CCI subs on a plain new jw15. Sold the rifle when I sold my land.
Was trying to remember why I didn't keep using the plastic suppressor on the Martini...then I remembered why.
I changed the stock (and suppressor had no where to fit on to).
Artillery...landscape adjustment since 1300AD.
Another vote for CCI Suppressor 45gr. 1000fps in mine. Combined with an A-Tec that I got from the A&P show years back, it's extremely quiet.
Resident 6.5 Grendel aficionado.
and THIS is whats wrong in this world at the moment...CCI are selling ammunition as subsonic...and for lots of folks its not.... they ALSO sell other stuff for slighty higher price that sure n certain to be subsonic...see the irony here???
its the old protection racket ....... you have a problem?? ok we can fix that for you.get your wallet out.
subsonic should be just that..yeah I accept if used in out of whack firearm like 10" barrel or pistol/revolver its going to be weird velocity wise..but say 11-22" barrels it should be subsonic....or sold as lower speed/std velocity like it used to be....
75/15/10 black powder matters
As everyone has said, ammo seems to be the problem in this case, but one thing I found making suppressors was that all my metal ones produced a bit more noise than some 3D printed ones my apprentice made for me. If you've got or know someone with a printer that could be an option for you. I'm happy to send you some files to try if you want, just let me know your barrel dia & thread and any size limitations you may have ie max length & Dia.