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Thread: How to make my .22 quieter

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    I'm on a block in Dunedin too mate. I'm currently using cci 40gr subs in a 12" barrel with a DPT .22 magnum suppressor. The bullet hitting the bunny is louder than the shot. Doesn't seem to bother the chooks but my ewes lift their heads at the shot. No one inside can hear either shot or hit. Please note, the extra baffles don't make that much difference. I've test with and without the extra two.
    I have about 100 rounds left of this stuff, and when this runs out I'm going to switch to either the cci 45gr or the Quiet.

    As above I don't think your issue will be barrel length but something is up with the ammo. As above try wrapping a few layers of tape around the suppressor. But of course that will not help if ammo going supersonic.
    Micky Duck and Brad S like this.
    "The generalist hunter and angler is a well-fed mofo" - Steven Rinella

  2. #47
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    I bet after the braked 7mm mag today your 22lr sounds really really quiet now LOL.
    Bol Tackshin and Brad S like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Adding to your problem, bolt actions tend to shoot a particular type of ammo at slightly higher velocity than the same ammo in a similar spec semi-auto which use some of the energy to cycle the action.

  4. #49
    Member Old_School's Avatar
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    I'm having similar issues.
    Got CCI subs and they are pretty loud, bit nowhere as Loud as my CCI mini mag which are supernsonic.
    Found some old winchester subsonics and they are quiet as, sounds just like an air rifle.
    I suspect this CCI I've got is just touching the sound barrier?
    Micky Duck likes this.

  5. #50
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    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    I put my full sized centrefire overbarrel suppressor on the JW15 .22lr thinking would be ducks nuts and could run supersonic rounds quietly..nope no different to a small suppressor...SLIGHTLY quieter with subs but not much..the wee suppressors only have a tiny amount of exhaust gas/explosion left to capture.
    fire a round suppressor off...then put it on again..you will see it does a lot.
    then do same with supersonic round
    the difference is huge.
    I use subs in a longer barrel JW15 without suppressor as find it quiet enough.... one day might do suppressor thing again for it but cant see it happening anytime soon.
    I put the .223 DPT suppressor on my .22, a guy next to me at the range asked why I was dry firing so much.
    Micky Duck, MB and Lucky like this.

  6. #51
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    Sep 2017
    I get funny looks with mine at the range, when the quiets hit the plastic/paper target they tumble afterwards - so make that wizzy sound like a ricochet.

  7. #52
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    I tried some of those 45gr 970fps CCI suppressor ammo. Definitely quieter, also shoots very small groups with my CZ. Shame its such expensive stuff.

  8. #53
    Join Date
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    Ngaio, Wellington
    Suppressors: Rule number one, you get what you pay for. Cheap are noisy, expensive are quiet.
    Rule number Two: Buy only DPT Modular Suppressors. The standard DPT 22LR suppressor has 3 modules, the 22 Magnum has five modules. Buy the five module unit. You can also buy additional modules and go as many modules as you like, for example 10 modules. The more air space inside the suppressor, the more the noise is suppressed ie quieter, which is why going to a BIGGER diameter suppressor off of a .224 cal center fire gives quieter results. With that you might nee to remove the rear fibrous bush, because the bushes are typically turned to suit a specific barrel taper and might not fit you 22LR taper.

    Ammunition: I run CCI 40 grain HP subsonic through my Ruger 10/22 with DPT 22 Magnum has five modules. No issues with noise, quiet as.
    I run Winchester 42 grain HP subsonic through my bolt action Weihrauch HW60J with either DPT 22 Magnum five modules or standard DPT three modules. No issues with noise, quiet as.

    I've trialed (CCI or Winchester??) "Quiet" 40grn at 710 fps and while they are super quiet through my DPT Suppressor, and might be fantastic for shooting cardboard, they are useless on rabbits, unless you are very close and even then I have had rabbits run when shot at 10 meters. Low velocity = low kinetic energy = low kill capabilities. I think these should be banned for shooting game, they are basically inhumane. I doubt they would kill (or hit) anything beyond 100 meters.

    The quietest 22 subs we have had on the job are Elley 38grn HP. Very very quiet, the quietest, whilst still being an efficient killing round. Mind you, Phil is a marksman, using a fine quality Anschutz bolt action rifle and fine quality DPT suppressor.

    RE: The occasional round going "CRACK" supersonic. It happens, not often, sometimes one round in 200 or one round in 500. Don't beat yourself up over it.

    If you are buying and trialing a lot of different ammunition it can get mixed up in your pocket. The easy way to tell whether you are firing sub or supersonic is to inspect the projectile. If the projectile is lead, it is subsonic. If the projectile is copper jacketed, it's supersonic.

    Hugh Shields
    Controlled Rabbit Culling
    Scouser likes this.

  9. #54
    AR7 is offline
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    Interesting to say the least so i went to Wlsons and bought some of the new packets of CCI Subsonic just to try out
    up till now they have been all Quiet
    mostly i use them now in the upgraded Ruger 10/22 with the Bunny Buster 10.5 barrel and intreg. suppressor all in one
    the original Bunny buster barrels were made by a guy in Nelson then G C copied but they used a cheaper make barrel .
    shot two more Wabbits with it last night @ about 70m down hill . The second Wabbit just sat there and watch his mate fall over
    Cheers to all
    Brad S likes this.

  10. #55
    A Better Lover Than A Shooter Ultimitsu's Avatar
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    My guess is that CCI Subs HP is designed to cycle in semi-autos. it is therefore loaded close to the edge of sound speed. When you shoot semi you lose a bit of speed. I have shot thousands of CCI subs out of 10/22 and never had a supersonic one. One online report show they average 1020 FPS in 10/22 and less with suppressor. https://rimfirechannel.blogspot.com/...-grain-hp.html

    Naturally when you shoot bolt action it will go faster. One online report show tested 10 shots, they all go over 1070 fps, 4 went over 1090 fps, 1 went over speed of sound of 1100 fps. https://squirrelhuntingjournal.com/c...p-ammo-review/

    if you were shooting it in cold or high altitude from a bolt gun, it will likely to produce more supersonic shots. it is inherent in its design.

    CCI Suppressor on the other hand lowers the speed further (1050 down to 970) so you are guaranteed to be subsonic even with bolt action. To ensure killing power they increase projectile weight from 40 to 45 gr. You pay more for it given that it has more lead and probably more powder.

    One last point, my guess is that all subsonic 22LR ammo are more expensive to produce than supersonic ammo due to tighter tolerance required to keep speed within range. Too fast it becomes supersonic and too slow it will not kill game. With supersonic ammo they can be a bit more loose with the amount of powder and the weight of of the projectile. I bought a case of Aguila "superextra", 50% go subsonic and 50% go supersonic. The Aguila "subsonic" is about 20% more expensive, but looks to me to be the same ammo just slower.

    I have shot thousands of Eley team, it and Match and Tenex are the fastest sub-sonic ammo I have shot yet i never had a supersonic one. They have tighter tolerance and they cost more.
    Nugget connaisseur likes this.

  11. #56
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    Suppressors: Rule number one, you get what you pay for. Cheap are noisy, expensive are quiet.
    Rule number Two: Buy only DPT Modular Suppressors. The standard DPT 22LR suppressor has 3 modules, the 22 Magnum has five modules. Buy the five module unit. You can also buy additional modules and go as many modules as you like, for example 10 modules. The more air space inside the suppressor, the more the noise is suppressed ie quieter, which is why going to a BIGGER diameter suppressor off of a .224 cal center fire gives quieter results. With that you might nee to remove the rear fibrous bush, because the bushes are typically turned to suit a specific barrel taper and might not fit you 22LR taper.

    Ammunition: I run CCI 40 grain HP subsonic through my Ruger 10/22 with DPT 22 Magnum has five modules. No issues with noise, quiet as.
    I run Winchester 42 grain HP subsonic through my bolt action Weihrauch HW60J with either DPT 22 Magnum five modules or standard DPT three modules. No issues with noise, quiet as.

    I've trialed (CCI or Winchester??) "Quiet" 40grn at 710 fps and while they are super quiet through my DPT Suppressor, and might be fantastic for shooting cardboard, they are useless on rabbits, unless you are very close and even then I have had rabbits run when shot at 10 meters. Low velocity = low kinetic energy = low kill capabilities. I think these should be banned for shooting game, they are basically inhumane. I doubt they would kill (or hit) anything beyond 100 meters.

    The quietest 22 subs we have had on the job are Elley 38grn HP. Very very quiet, the quietest, whilst still being an efficient killing round. Mind you, Phil is a marksman, using a fine quality Anschutz bolt action rifle and fine quality DPT suppressor.

    RE: The occasional round going "CRACK" supersonic. It happens, not often, sometimes one round in 200 or one round in 500. Don't beat yourself up over it.

    If you are buying and trialing a lot of different ammunition it can get mixed up in your pocket. The easy way to tell whether you are firing sub or supersonic is to inspect the projectile. If the projectile is lead, it is subsonic. If the projectile is copper jacketed, it's supersonic.

    Hugh Shields
    Controlled Rabbit Culling
    one mans opinion .Ibeg to differ on a lot of your points having bowled both rabbits and possums many times over 40yrs but im not going to take you up on a pissing contest.

  12. #57
    Join Date
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    Ngaio, Wellington
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    one mans opinion .Ibeg to differ on a lot of your points having bowled both rabbits and possums many times over 40yrs but im not going to take you up on a pissing contest.
    ROFL Kotuku, what? Only 40 years!!! You've got a decade to go before you catch up with this GOLD CARD holder! As for a pissing competition, some days I'm at ten minute intervals, some days I can last a full 45 minutes! Can you beat that frequency? It's an age thing, just like knowledge and opinions about guns and suppressors.

  13. #58
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    Someone asked where to buy Elley? But I deleted the message accidentally. NZ Ammunition are the importers/distributors, but I don't think they sell directly to the public. I understand that they do sell directly so small bore indoor club and clay target club. I don't know about supply agreements with NZDA. If you are a member of a club, talk to your club management. Alternatively, GunCity Wellington has stocked it in the past, but like the tide, supply goes in an out.

  14. #59
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    jeez Hugh...I guess all the people over the last 40 years have been doing it wrong all this time with the likes of a manders suppressor.....
    strange how we have had quiet results for thirtyfive of those and only in last few years are problems popping up....
    strange how its been since winchester moved production from OZZIE to the states....
    some of us have tried suppressors with MORE capacity than the DPT (WHICH ARE PLURRY GOOD SUPPRESSORS) and found the small old suppressors do just as good of job...
    I would sooner use a slingshot and stones than darken the doorstep of the establishment you mention in last line...
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  15. #60
    Join Date
    Jun 2023
    my 22 with the $1 bottle screwed on the end is just as quiet as my most expensive ($300) suppressor that fits the same gun
    may be sarcastic may be a bad joke



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