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Thread: How to make my .22 quieter

  1. #61
    Join Date
    May 2022
    Ngaio, Wellington
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    jeez Hugh...I guess all the people over the last 40 years have been doing it wrong all this time with the likes of a manders suppressor.....
    strange how we have had quiet results for thirtyfive of those and only in last few years are problems popping up....
    strange how its been since winchester moved production from OZZIE to the states....
    some of us have tried suppressors with MORE capacity than the DPT (WHICH ARE PLURRY GOOD SUPPRESSORS) and found the small old suppressors do just as good of job...
    I would sooner use a slingshot and stones than darken the doorstep of the establishment you mention in last line...

    Gidday Mickey, there is no right and wrong, there is only personal bias. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I, just like you, "would sooner use a slingshot and stones than darken the doorstep of the establishment, with the big GREEN buildings." Which illustrates perfectly that there is no right and wrong, only personnal bias. Shoot straight mate! Hugh
    Micky Duck likes this.

  2. #62
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Glad to read this thread
    Brad S likes this.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Corn Beeph View Post
    Glad to read this thread
    Glad my silly novice questions were of some use haha
    Corn Beeph likes this.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2023
    Not at all Silly, lol im Quite new here as well, looking to start off with a simple air rifle myself and deciding on the smaller .177s or the .22s mainly Target n pests

  5. #65
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    ROFL Kotuku, what? Only 40 years!!! You've got a decade to go before you catch up with this GOLD CARD holder! As for a pissing competition, some days I'm at ten minute intervals, some days I can last a full 45 minutes! Can you beat that frequency? It's an age thing, just like knowledge and opinions about guns and suppressors.
    hey fornicating finger joint im in my 70th year so dont get too cocky!also got th gold card or winnies visa card so thats you buggered again .goodbye.

    PS Anyone tell you you come across like donald trump???? just askin . see MD sat you on your arse too.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Only thing worse than a couple of young , dumb , full of cum dickheads punching each other is two geriatric dipshits waving their walking sticks at each other menacingly.

    You two should give it a rest.....

  7. #67
    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Back on post.
    Had a moderator that came with my 10/22 back about 94? One of the first stainless ones but just before the target model which made me spew as I would've goon for that.
    Anyhoo this moderator which somehow went missing between leaving a bunch of stuff including my firearms was very effective.
    I did have a slip on silent kill which some people rate but wasn't as good as others and it definitely wasn't as quiet as the other one I had.
    Light alloy body with 3 sliding chamber about an inch or so long and a spring.
    I reckon you could hear them shuffle forward when you fired. If you didn't stay on top of it cleaning wise they would get stuck.
    Bit of a pain to get out and I had been know to actually fire a shot through it into a bundled up rag if it proved too troublesome.
    It was still quite even when it was grubby.
    Back in the day it was winchester subs or kilwell hushpower which I believe were the same.
    Not a lot to pick from but they were good anyway.
    Tried PMC stuff as I was a fan but they were a copper wash and a bit tough.
    Suspect the same projectile as the Zappers and hollowpoint was for supersonic.
    Didn't mushroom bugger all.
    Remember a very brief play with Eley subs. Called scorpion back then?
    They seemed to work just as well as the winchesters but no cheaper so didn't carry on with them
    Surprisingly the old spring and washer types seemed to work pretty well even if the holes in the baffles were big enough to drive a truck through.
    My 10/22 and moderator came through an agent from GC I believe.
    If I could buy another suppressor like that one I'd be happy.
    I've made a few but a lot of buggerising about and usually heavier than I'd like.
    The ones for me have been an over barrel type so they don't stick out so far
    Little blast chamber and some volume back over the barrel (sealed, gases only come out the end) with 3 K baffles seemed to work but not a lot quieter than others with flat baffles.
    Really need to test them side by side properly.
    Last one I did fo kotuku was a monocore but a very rough type.
    Thin SS tube with a couple of tig spot welds holding the threaded rear and the monocore from white nylon (from work) with some slotted baffles drilled into it.
    The mill shit out so had to finish it with the drill and a die grinder.
    Like I said a bit rough.
    Hate to say I was a bit too optomistic with the hole through the center and it was getting a baffle strike.
    Kotuku ran the drill through it and problem solved.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    smiffys wee unit does its job quite happily for me as do my guncity /manders suppressors-In fact ive never has an shot animal complain yet.silencer -removes all sound suppressor reduces level of sound-there is a difference subtle as it is

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Another factor not yet touched on - Even if the bullet itself is travelling at just slightly less than the speed of sound, aka transonic, the air pushed aside may be momentarily forced to break the sound barrier. So bullets start to get quite noisey as they approach the sound barrier, its not a strict yes / no super/sub sonic thing.

  10. #70
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by sportco62 View Post
    Only thing worse than a couple of young , dumb , full of cum dickheads punching each other is two geriatric dipshits waving their walking sticks at each other menacingly.

    You two should give it a rest.....
    you forgot throwing colonoscopy bags at 8 paces.....any further and they cant hear the insults yelled....
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    you forgot throwing colonoscopy bags at 8 paces.....any further and they cant hear the insults yelled....
    some may be in a bag but im increasingly finding a lot of entities with it between the ears ala "shit for brains" and that includes on here.
    the smartarse commets re the elderly are wearing a trifle thin too - be warned -one fucking day you lot will be in this position too!

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    Someone asked where to buy Elley? But I deleted the message accidentally. NZ Ammunition are the importers/distributors, but I don't think they sell directly to the public. I understand that they do sell directly so small bore indoor club and clay target club. I don't know about supply agreements with NZDA. If you are a member of a club, talk to your club management. Alternatively, GunCity Wellington has stocked it in the past, but like the tide, supply goes in an out.
    That was me mate.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugh Shields View Post
    With that you might nee to remove the rear fibrous bush, because the bushes are typically turned to suit a specific barrel taper and might not fit you 22LR taper.
    I ordered a second fibrous bush to fit the .22lr, at $18 it was cheaper than buying a second suppressor.



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