Some of you will recall I bought a Husqvarna in 30 06 awhile back, the reason for the Husky was I'd turned my other 30 06 [Remington] into a 6.5 06 and I already have one in 9.3x62 that shoots very well so was very keen on tracking down a 30 06 to pair up.
The serial number put it at manufactured in 1957, the 9.3 is 1962 manufacture.
I tried it at the range couple of months ago maybe longer and performance wasn't ...stellar, tried a couple of handloads with not much improvement so put it in the safe and left it for awhile.
I got sick of looking at it every time I opened that safe so started the project
First was a replacement recoil pad, the plastic thing screwed onto the end of the stock didn't really cut the mustard ,did some work on the trigger, then bedded, recrowned, thanks Corbus] then the stock, which mainly consisted of a wet tea towel, a hot iron and a couple of weeks of rubbing boiled linseed oil, and thought I was ready
Bought some flash Harry Hornady Superformance 150gr at a lets not eat for a week price and went to my range and...
well 100 meters gave me this
Disappointed, yip just more than a little.Hadn't tried that before though so I hadn't really anything before or after to compare.
I'd bought a packet of dirty old Winchester 150gr SuperX just in case so dug it out but was already thinking I'd have to to pass it on to some one who could wring something better out of her
However. 5 shots later.
I'd wound the scope up for the first shot as i thought it's probably going to be alot slower and really low but gave it to much. However as you can see straight down nice little group then over and up for a three inch high zero , shot for confirmation and yip.
pretty happy with that , then shot a couple of rocks to confirm I was on track .
Not bad for a 63 year old rifle.
Here is it's 58 year old companion not an exact pair but a pair of Husqvarna 1640 with the same action . Posted photo of this rifle before but I still like looking at her.
Thanks heaps to @Husky1600 for his patient advice on how to adjust the trigger on this model. Cheers.
Now to find a handload she likes as well.