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Thread: I wasn't seriously expecting to hit it.........Fluke shots.

  1. #16
    Join Date
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    Central Otago
    If you hit what you are aiming at is it really a 'fluke' shot? Having said that, I have experienced a good number of 'fortunate' shots including 3 deer with one shot (two hinds, one hidden behind the other and carrying a slink), several multiples on rabbits, etc. I have also had a fair few lucky shots with my pistols over the years, including a magpie at 200 metres with my M29. Clean kill running shots are the ones which leave a lasting memory with people.
    timattalon likes this.

  2. #17
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gundoc View Post
    If you hit what you are aiming at is it really a 'fluke' shot? Having said that, I have experienced a good number of 'fortunate' shots including 3 deer with one shot (two hinds, one hidden behind the other and carrying a slink), several multiples on rabbits, etc. I have also had a fair few lucky shots with my pistols over the years, including a magpie at 200 metres with my M29. Clean kill running shots are the ones which leave a lasting memory with people.
    Maybe fluke shot is a bit misleading (poor choice of words) I don't think/hope anyone chances fluke shots when shooting at animals

  3. #18
    Ex stick thrower madjon_'s Avatar
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    Back in my bow hunting days when bows were so slow,you could release,roll a smoke,take a quick drag and watch the arrow arrive on target I came across two rabbits sitting in grass about 3 and 4 meters from thick blackberrys,range about 40 meters,draw and release at the one closest to cover,it jumped the string and I had mentaly written off the shot when his mate made a big leap to follow and met the incomming blunt just under the right ear.
    Moa Hunter likes this.
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  4. #19
    Member Max Headroom's Avatar
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    Ok then, I'll rephrase. If not fluke shot, pot shot, etc then:

    " The shot you took that surprised you the most"

  5. #20
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    A mate from High School was visiting me back around mid 1980's, out with the rifles on a windy day we saw a rabbit at about 200m+. I said "I'll get him", I didn't really aim, just pointed the 10/22 in the general direction of about 3m away upwind and above and fired one shot, rabbit keeled over immediately. I was very surprised, but my mate raved about it for weeks. 30+ years later I'm still ensuring I never fire another shot when he can see what my shooting's really like!
    gadgetman, 308, Micky Duck and 1 others like this.

  6. #21
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    Put for bunnies in a farm paddock, dropped the 10/22 on the back of the ute and smacked the rear iron site. One side of the 'bunny-ears' gone.... See a bunny around 100m, line it up with the front only and got it between the eyes. I took the spotlight the rest of the night after that

  7. #22
    Village Idjit Barefoot's Avatar
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    I don't call my special shots Flukes. I call them the result of years of experience, especially if I hold my tongue just right.
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  8. #23
    Codswallop Gibo's Avatar
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    I bet @R93 has some epic 22 vs deer stories, and @Dundee shooting pests out to 1000 yards with his 22
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  9. #24
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    I bet @R93 has some epic 22 vs deer stories, and @Dundee shooting pests out to 1000 yards with his 22
    Every shot that connects for me is a fluke. So.....

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    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  10. #25
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    I've got a cousin who is a "fluke shot" just about every-time.

    One day with homemade bow and arrows with nails for points he shot a Pukeko through both eyes - flying. Must have been the unluckiest Poohy ever born.

    Another time he shot a pig at well over 100 yards with a worn out 303 that was proven not to be able to reliably hit a stump at 25M

  11. #26
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    I was out with a mate and I managed to shoot a swan, but the damned things wings seemed to lock dead and it just kept going, no flapping. I gave it about three days lead and aimed well under it and pulled the trigger. Would have been over 100m away and I could see the impact on the feathers and it dropped. Still had to wade about 800m through water half way up my thigh to get the thing as there was a wind behind me blowing it away. If I harvest it I'll do my damnedest to recover it.

    Other than that I'm too Scottish with ammo to waste it hunting. If I pull the trigger I expect a success.
    FatLabrador likes this.
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  12. #27
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    hunting with a .22 I saw a wild cat running across a flat about 70m away, took a wild shot and was almost as surprised as the cat was when it dropped with a head shot. The stationary targets were safe at that distance so it was a complete fluke
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  13. #28
    Member Creeper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gibo View Post
    I bet @R93 has some epic 22 vs deer stories, and @Dundee shooting pests out to 1000 yards with his 22
    Every pub has a bullshitter and a drunk Gibo

    Sent from my SM-G960F using Tapatalk
    BRADS, Gibo and dannyb like this.

  14. #29
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    My best fluke shot was a red at 300, first shot him him in the lungs but I thought I’d pulled it too far back. So I panicked rechambered and took another shot at him going full sprint for the bush edge. Ended up giving him way too much lead and smoked him straight though the head when I was trying to hit the shoulder
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  15. #30
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    Another one springs to mind. I was out spotlighting rabbits when one came running towards me straight at the light and he wasn't stopping, I tried to scope him up but he was coming so quickly so I put the riffle down at my side, just as he jumped at the spotlight I pulled the trigger on the ,22 and I dropped him in mid air. The witness to this reminds me about it from time to time and says he still laughs about it when he thinks of it and it is one of his best memories of shooting.
    Been Upto and TheWuce like this.
    When hunting think safety first



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