Greetings Small_calibre,
Thanks for that. Glad to hear that there are at least some branches still shooting the Wilkinson. Last year was difficult due to covid and some branches missed it completely. I also wonder if some branches have shot it and not sent their scores to National thinking them not good enough to compete. Hastings did this for many years but have sent them recently with some success. I see from the Nelson Newsletters that they use the Deer targets in other shoots as we used to some time back. Others may as well.
Regards Grandpamac.
Started with NZSGSA in Hamilton, used to travel around bit, shot Tokoroa before it is what it is now. Ended up shooting at Ararimu once I started work at Ardmore. I shot with a 541S Remington and a fixed 8x Leupold. The writing was on the wall when people with deeper pockets turned up with heavy barrelled Kimbers and 6.5 x 20 Leupolds.
I won the Small Game Nationals by 1 point with my Rem. Cant remember what range it was at.
I couldn't afford a spotter, .22 holes are fkn hard to see with fixed 8 power......
I remember leading the National after the first day in Napier, and hearing conversations about me , "who is this prick" etc.
First detail on Sunday morning was 75 yd prone., I had 10 shots in the 8,9, and bull. What I couldn't see was 3 shots into the black portion of the target into 2 and 3 ring. We all had bullet holders that had to be visible, with 10 rounds to be checked by the R.O.
The scorers accused me of every foul practise under the sun.....and took 3 bulls off me and counted the 2's and 3's. The target backing card showed to the bullets had come through on a slight angle, not from my position, but my left. They didn't want to hear about it. The Napier President was on my left.....
That left a bad taste, I was pretty young and wasn't up for a row.
Upside was Dad told Mum to Give me some birthday $ for a spotting scope.....
Greetings Shift14,
Sorry to hear of your bad experience. Regrettably there are still shooting groups like that but there are more that are most welcoming, especially these days with declining numbers. I have only struck one bad one. In Hawkes Bay we are short of rifle ranges, especially longer range ones. Our local NRA club shoots out to 1,000 yards but this is all prone shooting including FTR and FO. Long term arthritis has made prone shooting out of the question for me. There are no 4P matches shot locally to my knowledge in which I can participate (note the careful choice of word here). I think I will take out some NZDA 100 metre targets to our next range day to see if I can kindle some interest. Currently only prone with a rest is shot and no scores are taken.
Regards Grandpamac.
Your not wrong though.......
The world has changed and so has the shooting scene, shooters are not interested in doing the same dicciplanes over and over anymore. They want change - and on a regular basis. Proof of this can be seen in the huge growth in PRS compared to any other shooting disiplane.
I'm of the opinion that NZDA should focus more on getting members involved in range activities. Developing new and updated disiplanes that will capture members interest and draw them back to the range(s) on a regular basis.
In a recent poll, by a shooting enthusiast in our area, 75% of respondents indicated that they would rather want to see more practiacal/field/PRS type shooting compititions to be hosted by their local branch.
Keep the 4P disiplane for it does have a place, but evolve and refresh to stay in touch with the shooting scene today..
Last edited by Jaco Goosen; 26-04-2021 at 03:29 PM.
Greetings Small-calibre and Jaco Goosen,
Pretty much agree with you both. Our problem in Hawkes Bay is that there is little of any type of competitive shooting to my knowledge. The NRA boys do their FTR an FO shooting at 300, 600 and 1,000 yards but none of their kit looks like anything I would want to climb a hill with, or wander too far from the truck with for that matter. I am no longer physically able to shoot prone anyway. I don't know anything on what PRS shooting entails but will look it up on the interweb.
Regards Grandpamac.
We put some up at different distances to see how far we could realistically kill a deer (in ideal conditions).
This is a couple of different shooters at 350m using a bipod or improvised rests (stacked up bumbags).
The shots have each been patched out with white dots.
Greetings Bagheera,
We ran a shoot years back, before the days when anyone dialed up. This was on the old Roy's Hill range. Using the deer target we started at 300 yards with 4 shots prone with a day pack rest, walked up to 200 yards for 4 shots sitting and then to 100 yards for 4 shots standing. Roy's hill had rising target frames and a proper markers gallery so the marking was done while the shooters were walking to the next position. It was a pretty steep learning curve for some. The 5 scoring ring was 183mm for yard ranges and the Wilkinson was shot at 100 and 200 metres (or yards with reduced rings) in those days.
Regards Grandpamac.
We run the shoot every year and quite like it, numbers at the northland nzda has dropped off over the years we get about 12 shooters to each event even tho the club has many more members than 12
@grandpamac. Tom and I will look to getting this back and running again. The new laws and the Covid problem put the Wilkinson shoot on the back burner at least for the Hastings NZDA branch.
I will look to see who we can have available as a range officer and give you a shout with arrangements for shillouettes and scoring.
It's always been a good exercise in my opinion. If you can't shoot a stationary cardboard cutout you're already putting yourself on the back foot when in the field.
The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds
Greetings Small_calibre,
I see from the latest NZDA Newsletter that The Rakaia Branch held their Wilkinson shoot on what I suspect is the Ashburton Range on 5 June. Good thing it wasn't the following weekend. The photo even shows someone using iron sights with what I suspect is a cloud of black powder smoke. Excellent. No results through at a National level yet though. Perhaps there is still hope for the shoot?
Regards Grandpamac.