Yesterday the kids and myself went back to the Auckland DS range for a little more practice.
After a little bit of sighting in from me, the kids were let loose...
Troy who is 7 was using a CZ 452 Scout in 22LR and iron sights.
His groupings were about 8", with most in the 6" range... not bad... he is pin point when using his brothers rifle with scope...
He said he may think about a scope in the coming months.
NZDA Riverhead range March 2014 a - YouTube
Ethan my 9 year old has a Savage Mk2F again in 22LR, this was shooting very well, and his groups are now down to ~3" or better over a million rounds.
His scope is a Hawk 3-9x40.
MOV06592 - YouTube
We started the day with Winchester normal velocity and later in the day we went to sub sonics... groupings remained the same at 25m.
Both had a good day and at the end blew up some milk bottles for a bit of fun!
I managed a few rounds through their 22's, as well as a tried out a few slugs with the 12g.
Many thanks to the range officer/s who were very good like always!