Whilst wandering idly through the firearm geek forest, I chanced upon this interesting test regarding lethal ranges of the .22 LR cartridge:
Whilst wandering idly through the firearm geek forest, I chanced upon this interesting test regarding lethal ranges of the .22 LR cartridge:
I believe that. That video made me start shooting further with a .22lr. longest kill to date is a plover at 260m although I have missed many more because wind at that range affects them so bad.
Ive been having a go at lobbing .22lr subs, I get about 2inch group at 100m then it starts getting a bit silly not sure if its me or the gun or both. What kinda accurate range can you expect from .22 subs?
Not sure how accurate they would be never really tried them but I know at 40m they blow straight through 3inch maccocapra. they were Winchester 40gr subs.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
The old ICI standard velocity ammo used to have a warning inside the box saying dangerous up to 1 mile. Alright that might be stretching it a bit.
Just for fun one day at the fullbore club I shot my Marlin with subs at the 300yd target.
Aimed at the top and did double taps. Most shots went within the 5 ring. Plus the double taps were reasonable close together - alright not centrefire grouping obviously.
I wouldn't care to stand at that range whilst someone shot at me, even with subs.
I suck at guessing the 22 drop, and I'm guessing by the amount of people that say the 22 is a 100m gun, that I'm not the only person that sucks at it![]()
Most of the farms I shoot on are far too open to be using a 22, plus my main Ruger's accuracy has turned to shit. Hoping my Henry (when it gets here late jan/early feb) will be better.
The CCI stingers (32g 1650fps) and velocitors (40g 1400~ fps) get a real move on so they should be even more capable than the standard velocity stuff.
I've been wanting to do a bit more with the 22. I might make a point of taking it out next time instead of the HMR. It'll make me work a bit harder to get in close.
I'm on dial up speed so can't watch the vid. There is a thread on Snipers Hide where they are shooting a piece of pork wrapped in denim and tape or something at 300yd with target ammo and it was fully penetrating if I remember right. Also DOCtacdad on you tube did something similar with velocitor and got the same result. .22lr is a lot more dangerous than people give credit for. A 10/22 for example could be a very deadly weapon in the wrong hands at closer ranges. The fact that a .22lr is very controllable during rapid fire would aid that.
The longest kill I have got with a .22lr would have been a rabbit at approx 140yds. There was a bank full of warrens not far from where I used to live. I would lie in the opposing paddock sniping at them with the old Winchester. Lots of fun.
the old practice of sending the kids out with the 22 because it's "just a 22" is clearly flawed. they are not accurate to long range because of low bc and velocity but clearly still dangerous to longer ranges than expected