R93 are you based in NZ or in Queeensland .The gunslinnger shoots are not just a one off good ol boys beer and barbie but an on going set of comps that move around the country -alot of personal time and effort by Mr Cossar as I am sure you can appreciate .Yes I agree with you that the cost of the shoot for the effort the individual makes is small recompence for a good days competing and also it is none of "my buissnes" what he make on these shoots as long as I am happy paying the entry fee which is mininal and in line or cheaper with many other organized competitive sports .I hope you would also like to attend some of the comps as the more the better and a great crew to meet with lotsa nice toys
AAAAARRRGGGHH bALDBOB Ugot 3 teef and ya spittin shite.![]()
Last edited by el borracho; 23-04-2012 at 10:07 AM.
I understand what you guys are saying Tussock and Baldbob. It may be cheap in materials and donated time. But trust me after a while it is the same guys and their gear everytime, putting in the effort of setting one up. Fuel and paint for example. All I am saying is I am happy to help pay for those items and put in some time.
I think the coasts guys mixed with the rabble from down south could run a brilliant shoot. But trust me. As the shoots get more popular and they will, there may be a need to pay to shoot.
I am fine with that.
I work in Queensland EL and I would maybe like to attend a shoot one day. I am just not interested in payin $70 bucks for a .1 flight up a hill to do so. Depending on type of machine thats definitely a rip off.
That may be so R93 but I am going to pay it as I fear the 5km walk up hill could kill me -you know Takapuna is pretty flat and one doesnt have to walk far for the trim soy latte before a small sweat dampens ones forhead![]()
I dont ,and to tell you the truth I hate flying so I hope it aint a bucket with a rubber band and Ice block stick prop-I could find out and post it later on .
From talking to people with experience about setting things up for shooters it starts out all oohh arrgh and ends with one or two getting sick of "doing it all" -its amazing how many hands are up at the start and are not there in the time of need .
Youll always get a few going but how serious will they be taken by the shooters and the organisers.Lets see how you do !!!
As I said Tussock I am keen and if it works out, and if people dont have to pay all the better. I am keen to see your format and if it can be adopted between crews it should be a huge bit of fun.
The pilot of the machine you were talking about didnt seem to care much about what could have happened. I have done tons of rabbits for work but never in a 500. They must have been goofing around and not doing it for a crust eh?