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Thread: Long range shooting course

  1. #211
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    understood r93,but for your info Tekapo had an RO on every station with a radio and all had at least a 1 hour plus safety and organizationl brief before the event

    Why didnt you say that when saftey was first mentioned. Sounds way better than first made out.

  2. #212
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Na, an afternoon of being abused as I administer foot drill. It would definitely be Dads Army with you lot. I miss yelling at cunts and it being considered normal
    you still fit as

  3. #213
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    I hope Norway we can the BS on the thread and get a serious match happening

  4. #214
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    you still fit as

    I would say a lot fitter than the average person my age. I even have abs! I had a big mono ab six months ago tho.
    You dont have to be fit to abuse troops on the drill square tho, just yell and scream a lot, its fun
    Last edited by R93; 02-08-2012 at 12:55 AM.

  5. #215
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    i just lost 16kgs-need to lose 16 more and ill same weight as i ws 30yrs ago.im a lazy SOB though

  6. #216
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    ive never done paint ball but it sounds like fun if not potentially painful if your not good -R93 my be the wrong guy to paint ball against!

  7. #217
    Member NZHTR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    Gimp shooting it is easy and fun , organizing it WOW that's one big job!! I have talked to Shane about it and it takes ages and a lot of effort and traveling
    Sounds like some one trying to turn a corner dairy into a super market here el-b , is a fart arse shoot like this such a big deal to event ? im not sure .the whole thing has a funny look to it form my angle - kinda like up skilling hit men for the brownie's . if i had 30 k to spend on targets they look very familia to animals we hunt here in NZ .

  8. #218
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    We usually run competition for 50-60 with three people. 7-8 to take on 3-400 shooters.

    ... Shooting competitions is a big thing in Norway. The nationals attract 5-7000 shooters...

    It is not hard to pull off a well organized shoot.

  9. #219
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    its funny Norway as I remember the late Ron Dent from a well know shop here in Auckland complaining how long it takes to shoot Fclass matches here compared to his old club in Sydney - I dont know what it is but were slow! I love the fact your country has such a great shooting tradition and passion !

  10. #220
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    I was talking with a couple of competitors at the last long range event I ran and they thought the idea of a biathlon type event would be a bit of fun. The competitor moves through the course shooting at each stage and an overall time is recorded for them. You would either have a RO at each stage scoring for people that come through or a RO that accompanies each competitor.

    At the last shoot I ran the competitors basically RO’d for themselves i.e. you shot a stage, cleared your gear away and then RO’d for the next competitor. Once you have scored the guy after you, you picked up your gear and moved onto the next stage. Worked well I thought, we ran the whole shoot with just two people, and i competed as well as organised it!

    I always thought if you had a NZDA branch (or any group of people) running the shoot they could use the event as a fundraiser. At least then you would have guys there who can run the shoot without worrying about competing as well. I am yet to convince a branch that it would be a good idea though. Shane’s Gunslinger events add credibility to the idea though. If he can get 30+ competitors to an event paying a couple of hundred dollars each, that would be a serious fundraising event for our North Taranaki branch. Better than chopping firewood that for sure!

  11. #221
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Your Idea is good Simon but the time thing gives the youngest and fastest an advantage through speed rather than pure shooting ability one thinks ? Kinda like Matt Ryan on the jungle lane -hes a freak for running and shooting and winning

  12. #222
    Fisher and Hunter leathel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    Your Idea is good Simon but the time thing gives the youngest and fastest an advantage through speed rather than pure shooting ability one thinks ? Kinda like Matt Ryan on the jungle lane -hes a freak for running and shooting and winning
    yes but skill in quick shots may overcome speed between stations if the coarse isn't too long.....and you can allways get fitter
    Fishing ... Hunting its all good

  13. #223
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    hahah yeah lethal I am trying mate 16kgs off now and no boozing for 6 months less last weekend which was a real blow out but now back on the wagon !

  14. #224
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norway View Post
    We usually run competition for 50-60 with three people. 7-8 to take on 3-400 shooters.

    ... Shooting competitions is a big thing in Norway. The nationals attract 5-7000 shooters...

    It is not hard to pull off a well organized shoot.
    Norway with your shoots what format do they take that you can utilize a small amount of range officers ? At an fclass shoot we have 1 range officer for the whole shoot which is on a square range .
    One an open country type shoot where competitors are scattered over the hills there is one for each firing point -to brief and keep things safe as shooters "often "make errors as we all can when we forget to perform a safety requirement .
    One of the guys I shoot fclass with -no names- he has discharged his pistol in an unsafe direction more than once because he forgot something ,if not everything !!!

  15. #225
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    I would always try to prioritise hits over speed. Even on a long course the weighting of time vs hits can be such that speed is good but not that much of an advantage. Say a course that takes about 1 hour to go through with 20 shots would have say a 3 minute penalty for a missed shot.

    There will always be people who have "advantages" over someone else at a competition shoot. He has a bigger gun, he has a better scope, he practices more than me, he spent more money, etc ... Why should "he is fitter than me" be any different an excuse? Not to mention as soon as you are thinking about how he is shooting and not how you are shooting you have already lost! I prefer the shoots i run to reflect hunting conditions and as such they are not a test of simple shooting ability - that is what I use F-Class for.



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