Contact me for reloading components, brass, projectiles, powder, primers, etc
Google says "Yes" Greg:
6.9.1 Wind Flag—Wind flags should be displayed at various distances between the firing line and the targets.
It is recommended that the flags be placed at 200, 500 and 700 yards. It is further recommended that the flag be
48” by 18” at tip and 12’ in length. This flag will be of two colors, red and yellow.
-Sure wasFor the ultimate experience: Did you ever end up stumbling into "KC's"?? It was a dodgy upstairs nightclub on George St (a 4 minute crawl from the Cook).
Universally known as "K-Sleaze" -The dodgy owner used to stand at the top of the stairs giving Lollipops to girls as they came in.....I think I nearly caught HIV from the glassware.
Thats a great Idea Norway ! I tried to start a thread on wind and mirage sometime back, adding ideas of members and other people from around the net others had published or vids or diagrams that were sensible and had been posted .
Sadly your CD was seen as the be all and end all of wind and I was informed we didn't require anything else and the thread turned in to a shit fight LOL so good to see you promoting the idea of a NZ collections of info I ll support that .
Most things in shooting are mechanical getting the basics right the only one that has a little bit of je ne sais quoi is wind - Wind is exciting and for ever changing
My CD is outdated didn't miss anything that wouldn't be fixed by a dose of antibiotics
Dunners was great. Nice atmosphere in general. And very little agro in the pubs. -I ended up working security in bars for my last 3 yrs as a student there, it was pretty stress-free and usually more funny than agro.
Then I moved to Chch, and couldn't believe the agro/violence, you would have thought it was a different country- not 4 hrs up the road.
As for Selma Hayek- I hear you. I could probably watch her talk for hours...on mute.
Were they still doing "$1 Doubles nights" when you were there?
I think someone decided that it was illegal.
I have no credentials either. Go for it stooopid! If you want it done, do it. Someone always has to do the breachand get things started, that is the way of things.
If you can do by example people will listen. I suggest you stay away from the subject reloading ;D