Well popped in to the team at gunworks this morning to drop a rifle off for shipping and whilst there I grabbed a couple boxes of ammo to try in the 30-30, Hornandy leverrevoloution 160gn and Hornandy 150gn whitetails,
Now @Calikiwi did warn me it wouldn't shoot the leverrevoloution very well and he was right it sprayed them all over the place like a shotty.
It did however love the Hornandy whitetail 150gn and shot the under an inch at 100 yards .84" to be exact.
I'm told any lever gun that shoots under the mythical inch is a but of a unicorn so I'm well pleased with that.
Sighted in at 3" high at 100 yards should see me bully or close enough at 200yards bloody happy with that.