Is this ok for an AR15 Double Star AR15 5.56mm | Trade Me ??
I don't know too much about the double stars, have heard they are pretty good. Perhaps someone here has one & could enlighten you.
Here is a very nice Spikes Tactical carbine, good quality ar's
But how about mini-14. I do like that style and the sound and planning to have one use for some small games and close encounters in bushes next year.
ARs are cool, but is the AR15 really as accurate as a bolt action? What does we mean with this?
No doubt an AR15 may do 0.5MOA off sandbags / benchrest... but how does it compare with freehand shots off the shoulder with no elbow support?
AR15s, like AKs, are hammer + firing pin setups so have longer lock time (trigger squeeze to ignition interval) than bolt actions. So on an unstable platform I'd not expect them to be able to be shot as accurately as a bolt action of 'equal' accuracy.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
Used to use a mini 30 with a red dot on Sika,wish I never sold it.
Talk about throwback Thursday @Cordite, revitalizing an old thread ;-)
And to answer your question: AR's dominate with off hand shooting. Fast follow up shots and no breaking cheek weld/position after each shot too and marginally less recoil compared to a bolt action - 308 vs .308, also the vertical grip and plethora of fore-end options make them easy to customize to one's preference as opposed to a more traditional bolt-action stock.
Hi Sasquatch,
Yes, agree. But fast follow-ups is different from first shot accuracy.
As I said, the known 'bolt action accuracy' of the AR refers to supported shooting, but unsupported, all other things being equal, longer lock-time will naturally result in lower accuracy. Go to many shooting ranges and it does not matter however, what with many shooting off bipods, sandbags, or both.
All that said, some AR triggers have a shorter lock time than stock triggers (16ms) so you can't totally generalise. Better AR triggers for example appear to have a shorter lock-time (6ms) than say a SMLE bolt action (~10ms) - sluggish lock-time for a bolt action.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch
The best bolt action will beat the best semi as far as accuracy goes, I once owned a mini 14 that shot dinner plate groups at 100m. i sent it away for a med weight re barrel and was told it will produce bolt action accuracy which it did and managed 1inch groups at best at 100m which was acceptable and apart from the extra weight it was fun too shoot. Once i got into ARs they easily produced less than 1 inch groups with the right load, but still couldn't beat my re barreled remington bolt action for accuracy but it was close.
<1 inch at 100m sounds like shooting off something. I was talking of unsupported shooting where short lock time becomes more critical. It is not a minute-of-deer issue though.
Anyway, came across this when looking for a backpack rifle. Interesting folding design that appears to meeting A-cat requirements of length, unable to be fired folded when it's some 26" long so won't be measured folded by customs. Looks something between a french MAS 38 SMG and a prototype CETME. I'm amazed at the enginuity [spelling?], including the CETME-like forend-come-bipod.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch