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Thread: Which model of the 10 /22 ?

  1. #76
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    Hawkes Bay
    Quote Originally Posted by csmiffy View Post
    Good shit. have you tried washing the mag out? The wax/lube on the 22 along with a bit of powder fouling can gum them up.
    Bit odd about the scopes. My good mate who shot heaps of rabbits used to do a lot bouncing around on the bonnet/roof of a landrover. Even had a chain fitted between the stock and mag so you didn't drop it. Never had issues. Possibly get one of those cheap polymer recoil pins and try again.
    A good scope doctor in CHCH reckoned they can be hard on scopes with the original one. Maybe it wasn't you or the scope but if you like how it works now why bother.
    Where are you, I could come over and help shoot some of the pesky varmints for you lol?

    I'm in coastal Hawkes Bay, so a long way to come! Yeah I cleaned that 10rd rotary so many times I can't count. Never made a significant difference, it failed to load properly maybe once every hundred rounds, enough to be annoying but not enough to cause extreme frustration. I should have bought a new one years ago but I'm too cheap. I prefer the bx15 anyway, the extra 5 make a difference with hares.

    I took my new neighbour out for his first ever rabbit/hare shoot the other day. City boy from Melbourne, came to NZ and had the chance to get a firearms licence and his own rifle! Coming home we had a hare in the headlights, so I shot him out the door with my 3 shot technique. Driving up to him he wasn't finished off so I emptied the rest of the mag into him one handed out the door (hey it needed to be emptied before I got it home!). My ex-Melbourne neighbour went home congratulating himself on his first drive-by shooting.....
    Gerbs, FatLabrador and csmiffy like this.

  2. #77
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    22LR needs between 7-10" of barrel to reach velocity. some of the "ruger" mags on sale are not the real thing, in fact there are so many clone mags out there they give the 10/22 a bad rep.
    rewa likes this.

  3. #78
    Rabbit Herder StrikerNZ's Avatar
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    Re: your new A22.

    15" barrel should be the perfect length, although I'd be curious why they decided to do that to a new rifle before putting it on the shelf.

    The accu-trigger generally comes up very nicely. (still the best of the factory triggers that I've used to date) You may need to adjust the weight from limit to limit a few times to free it up, then when you adjust it to 'max light' there's often a soft stop, but if you put a bit of pressure on, you can get another turn or two before a hard stop, which makes a real difference. (at least on the centrefire version)

    If the mags are the same design as the A17, then they're proper little pricks to load. Probably the worst mags I've come across..

    Only other comment I would make is that if you occasionally find it doesn't cock when cycling, you're probably pulling the trigger a bit further back than it needs, or holding it back for too long after firing. (Found that problem with the A17 on the occasional shoot, but adjusting technique sorted it out)

  4. #79
    Member viper's Avatar
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    @StrikerNZ , thanks for the input bud. Yep like you I think 15 inch will make a very handy rifle but that's a shit load to take off the factory barrel.
    I rang Hunting and Fishing who said Sportways bring them in and really couldn't explain why the barrel had being reduced that much. On the positive side the crown and threading job look good and the barrel very stout . Like a short semi bull barrel.

    The rifle is new and from what I have read online the rifle needs 500 rounds to bed down and smooth out so hopefully it will improve over a brick of ammo or so.

    The mag............. yeah they are not to user friendly but I have got better with playing around with it, not great but they seem to feed into the chamber well.

    The Trigger is going to hopefully improve over time also , thanks for the feedback on the stop. I don't know about the Accutrigger on a semi but watched a guy on youtube using the rifle and shooting steel, 5 shots off in 1.83 seconds so it must be technique.

    I like the stock and the rifle looks aggressive and angular , put together better than a Ruger or Marlin in the receiver to barrel area and seems like some thought has gone into it. It will have to be good to compete with the previous two.
    Will place feedback on the rifle once it is sighted, sorted and got some decent field work under it's belt.
    gadgetman, Fawls, berg243 and 1 others like this.

  5. #80
    Sniper 7mm Rem Mag's Avatar
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    I had a spare bit of time this morning so called into the range for a quick 30 minute sight in using my Ruger 10/22 with the old scope off my 7mm rem mag

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    Top was 30 meters, 2nd was 50 meters. All shots were taken as fast as I could pull the trigger to put it through it's pacers so not taking time for precision. Using Winchester 42 grain subsonics.

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    The same targets with a ten cent piece for perspective

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    Nice little riffles these Ruger 10/22's
    Badbootboy likes this.
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  6. #81
    Member oneshot's Avatar
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    I never had an issue with any Ruger 10/22 I used, they all cycled really well in semi's. the most accurate .22 semi I have used was Voere, those things are brilliant. hard to find though.
    Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

  7. #82
    Member viper's Avatar
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    Got out yesterday with the new Savage , sighted in pretty well with Winchester subs ( all I had ), around the inch or slighty less at 50 mtrs. A couple of jams but it's still bedding down.
    Onto the farm and it performed very well. Light to carry and shoulders well.
    Shots ranged from under 15 mtrs to over 100 mtrs which is great and it does exactly what I need it to do. As the round count is going up it seems to be smoothing out.
    I need to try different ammo brands and sub's vs super sonic to see what performs better.
    Has now had 150 rounds through it and it's pretty dirty but functioning well though it had three misfires in a row !! , no firing pin strike on all three cases. I don't really know why.
    Reloaded the mag and away it went and hasn't missed a beat in 60 to 80 rounds since, maybe fouling in the manufacture ?? any way it's seems to have cleared it's throat and is away.
    Overall I am very pleased, accurate, light and easy to carry and well balanced . It will be interesting to see how it goes in the years to come.Name:  new savage - Copy.JPG
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    gadgetman, berg243 and rewa like this.

  8. #83
    Member viper's Avatar
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    @berg243 , yes the rabbits are in very good nick. the big tough ones that have got through winter I guess.
    I will do a write up the rifle after a few months of hard use and lots of rounds under it's belt but on the two questions you asked.

    Trigger is an Accutrigger and I have set it to the lowest it will go, not super light but ok. No real creep and a very consistent break. For me I take awhile to get the feel on a new trigger. Like the rest of the rifle it should improve and smooth out with use.

    Magazine is rotary and has taken some adjusting to after a life time of single stack box mags. Slower to load for me and a different technique but feeds well. It seems to be getting easier to load as it gets used more.
    berg243 likes this.

  9. #84
    Member Flyblown's Avatar
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    Ah, but they didn't get through winter did they @viper, you came along! Good shooting.

    Saw your note in the other thread about a review in a few months time, good idea.

    I did read somewhere that a user of this rifle stripped it down completely and thoroughly cleaned it of all factory grease, oil, etc etc. Then lubed the bolt thoroughly with a very thin high quality oil.

    This improved (eradicated?) the failure to fire, failure to eject problems he occasionally ran into.
    viper and rewa like this.

  10. #85
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    I too am looking forward to your review in a few months @viper - Very cool looking rifle.
    viper likes this.

  11. #86
    Member coltace's Avatar
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    I've always been partial to the 10/22 but I'd have to agree with what everyone else has said, especially regarding accuracy. Mine hates Winchester ammo and loves CCI velocitors. The Marlin is a great little gun, but I always found the stock uncomfortable (just me).

    If you're looking for something a little different to add to the list you could try the Walther G22. It's a bullpup that can be converted by the user (you) to a left handed shooter configuration. They come with 2 10rnd mags and are quite accurate, the trigger however can be a bit spongy. Gun city has a second hand one at the moment. I knew a pest controller who had one and loved it. Had a nice scope and suppressor, plus a powerful light hanging off the pic rail. Just a other option. Take it for what it's worth.

  12. #87
    Member coltace's Avatar
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    Sorry, I didn't see that this convo went for another page, before I posted.

  13. #88
    Member viper's Avatar
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    That's ok mate, thanks for taking the time for the input anyway.

  14. #89
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by oneshot View Post
    I never had an issue with any Ruger 10/22 I used, they all cycled really well in semi's. the most accurate .22 semi I have used was Voere, those things are brilliant. hard to find though.
    I have one....

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    10/22 become bloody addictive once you start going down the mods track. Pretty much every component has an aftermarket part. Almost a cult like following.
    I had one for a year, put a fancy volquartsen trigger in it, bolt buffer, long mag........just didn't enjoy using it as much as my bolt gun CZ. In saying that still bloody good fun and accurate enough.
    Whatever you buy, Marlin or Ruger will do you well.
    7mm Rem Mag likes this.



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