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Thread: MSSA buyback

  1. #16
    Bus driver
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    and this .... is supposedly... the democratic and fair country we are supposed to be living in...... it’s a crock of shit.... and a clusterfuck

    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    The rumor is (heard this from a farmer an hour ago) that guns handed in, in good faith, will not be eligible for compensation, even if you filled in the online form. These are the guns handed in before the announced buy back, even if you entered your bank details. This reflects the email sent out by police where A-cat just need to hand in their "illegal" firearms with no mention of compensation, while E-cat states "to participate in the buy back".

    He also said the local engineering firms have been approached to cut up the rifles.
    It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by A330driver View Post
    and this .... is supposedly... the democratic and fair country we are supposed to be living in...... it’s a crock of shit.... and a clusterfuck
    I would suggest this is probably just gossip/speculation. The notion of a buyback was communicated from the very beginning and the option included on the form. It would be legally tenuous at best to refuse reparation.

    Nothing to gain from it for the government really when most of the rifles will be cheap crap old rifles anyway and there were what like a few hundred handed in? Pennies in the scheme of things.



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