This thread reminded me of the reasons I stopped posting anything constructive on hunting forums and may well be one of my last posts.
It seems to me all the good buggers sit back and watch while all the keyboard warriors go at one another trying to prove their worth.
I thought these forums were about helping others, enjoying hunting reports and helping contribute towards CONSTRUCTIVE hunting and shooting discussion but obviously I was mistaken.
It's still the winter months too I think, seems not enough getting outside and absorbing that vitamin D goodness.
Next month or two everyone will be cheery again.
Or maybe he is just lazy , what is the solution to the problem ?. Should all ranges have someone sit on their arse all day waiting for someone to turn up . While not being paid ,remember I would say all ,ranges are run by volunteers .
Whinning because you cannot get something to fit in with "me " are merely the actions of a child . No-one is Entitled to anything .
And more to the point you have no idea what I have done ,and neither am I interested in advertising it .
Not sure if bunker or yourself are aware but there's a few ranges where if your a member you have access without range officer's, your given a key when you sign up and can go along whenever suits during open hours. Even during the week.
Some are even just honesty system with gold coin.
But thanks for reiterating my point.
I would like to point out.. i never dogged the shooting ranges.. just said there hours dont work for me... hence why im on here asking around, which logically seems like the right place to ask.. (apparently not)... i have no idea what your guys problem is... this is totally surreal..
Piss takes .....surely....
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some people are weird, don't stress over it mate
As I live and breath - i sincerely hope that some of the people who have posted here are never allowed a F.A.L - If you read the guys post,
He was excited about getting a new firearm and was inquiring if anyone had a rural property he could try out.
Bunker is obviously respectful of those that he is shooting a suppressed .22 on so that's not an issue.
He obviously works on the weekend, probably a wharfie or some such maybe a shift worker or hospo worker.
I really don't see why anyone would take issue with the post.
As for the trolls, well shit the bed I really hope you read the first part of my post!
Bunker - don't sweat it mate, its obvious someone left the gate open at the "can't" farm and some escaped!
Last edited by LongArm; 12-10-2016 at 09:42 PM.
So why is it that those above ,who are so full of the " Milk of Human Kindness" haven't handed over Your shooting spot ??????
terrible thread all round and probably going to make newer members nervous about putting a foot forward and participating on here, which is of course the whole point of the forum isn't it?...