I once had a drag race against a work colleague in his Hillman Hunter. It had a 1700cc motor, extractors and twin-throat webber carbs so was pretty fast. He was convinced he couldn't be beaten. I took him on in my ol' mans brand new 1985 Honda Accord which was a stock standard 1600cc. It was neck and neck for the first bit but I beat him in the last few hundred meters down Boundary Road in Papakura. The race was stopped by the need to brake for the S-bends before we hit the railway lines. We started on the straight at the gorge end heading towards town. No idea what speed we were doing when we got to the point of braking... i was just holding on for all I was worth. I think having 5th gear made the difference... the Hunter would have been screaming.
But I digress... back to Hunting stories.