An update:
The Paki Paki range is a (formal) NRA template range.
This basically means no calibre bigger than 8mm with a definite ME limit, ie no big boomers. No brakes allowed.
The rifles must never have their bolts closed unless the rifle is right on target. The working definition of this is an NRA sling-supported rifle "in the shoulder" or an F /F-TR rifle on rest/bags.
The current ranges available are 300 and 600yds.
You -must- have a known zero for your rifle.
The latter is doubly important as the range runs Silver Mountain electronic targets and they don't want a shot-up microphone, let alone bullets heading over the horizon..
The HB Rifle Club will soon be upping the publicity to attract new shooters. It has been a case of ironing out the teething problems up til now.
As stated, Les Marshall is the Secretary at :
FYI, Tony Loughnan sadly passed away a while ago, a huge loss to both the local, national and international shooting fraternity. He was a highly respected consultant on technical matters (Chairman of the international ICFRA committee) and a past Pres of the NZ NRA.