Over the last couple of years I have been taking my now 11 daughter out hunting whenever I can. She’s (generally) quiet, and just keeps going and going. Last day hunt we covered about 17km over some pretty steep terrain, and she just kept on keeping on without complaint.
I had a range day today and got her behind the trigger for the first time on my .223. This is her first time shooting a gun of any sort. I explained the basic principles: safety, how to hold your head, where to put you hands etc. it took her a bit to get her head in right spot to get the whole sight picture. I have her about 6 dry fires to get used to the light Timney trigger pull, and get used to racking the bolt etc.
I’m so proud of her first grouping, 3 shots at 100m. She was super stoked that the rounds went exactly where she wanted them to go, and I saw something click into place for her.
She’s already planning our next hunt, and is confident she can take out a wallaby or three!
Very proud dad moment!