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Thread: Range Etiquette (or lack thereof)

  1. #16
    Member Daggers_187's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maca49 View Post
    Had some dick head at Taupo a few months ago with a semi auto, he had an 1800 sq white target erected and nearly drove me nuts standing there unloading mags as quick as he could. Its a rifle range FFS and if you want to do shit like that find a a friendly quarry or such, makes it hard when your wanting to sight in a rifle.
    Double up on hearing protection, keep doing what you were doing.
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  2. #17
    Member HNTMAD's Avatar
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    Take over as RO problem solved

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  3. #18
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    You guys are nuts! I pay my bucks, live 1.85 hours away, treat the range with respect and go home! I'm old and very selfish!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daggers_187 View Post
    Double up on hearing protection, keep doing what you were doing.
    I'm deaf! It's the muzzle blast that pisses me!
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  5. #20
    Member Scottishkiwi's Avatar
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    A little mag dump never hurt anyone kinda something to expect at a gun range. Reminds me or those guys who give you dirty looks because you whip out an Ecat AK or something similar

  6. #21
    R93 is offline
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    Our range has a sign that eye and ear protection must be worn at all times. I have been caught out by being stupid recently and my one good ear rang for a week.

    We seem to only have issues with untidy pricks. They shoot the shit out of everything and just hang it back up in the target shed for someone else to clean up.
    Pull all the patches out of the dispenser box and leave a tangled mess.
    Never clean up their .22 brass etc.

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    Beaker likes this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  7. #22
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Shit, same guys are using our range! Went there on Sat morning and found target frames had been left up from previous day. Strong overnight wind had blown paper facings all around the range. Piles of shot gun hulls on the ground - how f....n hard is it to pick that up?
    Recently some morons have drilled some of the 22RF silhouettes with centrefire. Wot is it with people, we're they all excessively mothered during their upbringing?

  8. #23
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    if you decide to shoot rubbish, ie empty cans, bottles yada yada yada............ clean up your mess when you are done eh.
    Beaker and res like this.
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  9. #24
    Applies Lead Liberally rogers.270's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misha2001 View Post
    Well, just getting over the lurgy, so I thought I would trot out to the local NZDA range to function test 2 rifles (SKS with a poly mag, and a Norinco Bushmaster 7.62X39 bolt action, newly purchased). Arrive there, to find a target shooter testing the new barrel on his very expensive looking piece of kit. Exchange the usual polite hellos, and get myself set up. Ran the target boards out, and then we start shooting. First up is the Bushmaster. Cycles well, but not quite ejecting every spent round. Halfway thru the mag I get the feeling I am being watched. Look over and the other gent has parked himself on the next bench to eyeball what I am doing. Hmmm, only a little bit spooky..

    Back to finishing that mag, make the rifle safe, and we agree to look at the targets. Back from the targets, and I load up for the next set. Only just get the 5th round in the mag, and the other gent asks if its OK to bring his targets back. OK. He walks halfway up then comes back & says he will throw another 10 down the range. No worries, so to let the Bushamaster cool, I pick up the SKS and function test the new mag - yay! no last round vertical!. Other gent wanders up range to retrieve his target. I meet him halfway, and congratulate him on the nice grouping.

    I wander back after seeing 2 virgin target boards (hmmm....). Then another bloke turns up, and proceeds to yarn to the first bloke about target shooting. I load up the SKS mag again while I wait for them to finish. Mag full, Bushmaster mag full.. still yakking. Then a third bloke turns up, who is also apparently a target shooter. He brings his flash piece of kit out and then the 3 gents proceed to yak away about Australian champs, barrel floating, and various other target shooting stuff that bores the hell out of the average bush hunter.

    So, 10 minutes later, I am still standing, waiting politely for them to finish. (My mum impressed upon me the correct use of manners when I was a wee fella). So I count the rounds left, rearrange the gear box, fiddle with my earmuffs, but another 10 minutes and the circle jerk session hasn't finished!.

    So, a quick squizz at the time, and, shit, I need to get back home. Start to pack up, unloading the mags, removing bolts, making everything safe, and still the yakka is going on.. They were still going strong when I left..

    My question is, if its obvious that someone wants to throw some lead down the range, and you want to exercise your jaw muscles, would it not be polite to fuck off somewhere else and let them have at it?

    FFS, I was at the range for 1.5 hours, and only threw 12 rounds down range.
    dude - apply yourself
    veitnamcam likes this.
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  10. #25
    Applies Lead Liberally rogers.270's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    Relax, not everyone has to be assertive. Asking to move would have worked but its not everyone.

    I recall enormlus stacks of newspaper left at the Dunedin range ........

    I liked the NZDA range in Dunedin when it was a forum range. We completely dominated it. Some officious NZDA would be range officer would come and bark orders and everyone would blatantly ignore them. Carlsen Highway would greet everyone and get everyone relaxed and yarning. Funniest part was when officious would be RO is at the back and people are giving Carlsen H the money. Regardless of what they shouted people would look to CH for when to shoot or get targets till the RO gave up.

    Always plenty of interesting brass in the mud.
    im relaxed - i didnt spend 1.5 hours at a range to shoot 12 rounds..............................
    Addicted to gun powder

  11. #26
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    im lucky, i just to to my back hay paddock.Dont have anyone telling me when to shoot or not.Ha Ha
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  12. #27
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    At our local rage, if they are chatting etc, and I want to fire, I simply call out, "You may want to put your ears on. I'm gonna make some noise....". If they dont put their muffs onthey have nothing to complain about as the rules clearly state they should b worn at all times and they were told. It is a gun range not a cafe...

  13. #28
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    I was talking to the others.

    You just finished telling us you spent 1.5 hours at the range to shoot 12 rounds.

    The rest of us, would have called out "hey guys, I'm going to shoot".
    That wasn't him that was the opening poster.

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    Grim likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

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  14. #29
    MaW is offline
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    Same as what was said before, shout out 'eyes and ears' if no one is currently shooting and I am about to. If thats not common at your range then something that is obvious to them.
    dirtyhabit likes this.

  15. #30
    Applies Lead Liberally rogers.270's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tussock View Post
    I was talking to the others.

    You just finished telling us you spent 1.5 hours at the range to shoot 12 rounds.

    The rest of us, would have called out "hey guys, I'm going to shoot".
    ...............................? special kind of special right there
    Grim and Blaser like this.
    Addicted to gun powder



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