Imagine the recoil from a 577 howdah pistol!
(Google on iPad, they were made in a variety of big calibers)
For a couple years we used to have to cost every munition and expendable store we used when planning exercises. It was a frigging mundane chore. It would then have to be approved by PL commander then the coy CO before going to the poges in the TRG wing for final approval.
I remember some mortar rounds @1500 and maybe M72s. Grenades we were using were definitely just over $600. Cheap ass Singaporean. However, I can can understand why they would have charged OCS extra as they would all require extra instructions and even brail on the grenade, that would certainly cost more money.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Brail wouldn't be enough.
When we first went to the grenade range I remember one guy dropped the grenade out the back of his hand as he went to throw it. Only the sharp action of the NCO instructor saved him.
They questioned the idiot afterwards, turned out he had been homeschooled and had never played any sport ever. One would think in this country that throwing a ball to be second nature. But nope.
Hes now a Major. Lol
I've seen that same thing on video. I never played sport at school if I could possibly help it, but I'm baffled as to why he'd drop it as you said.
Lack of hand eye co-ordination maybe.
Did you ex mil guys practice throwing dummy grenades during training, or was the first grenade you threw a live one?
RIP Harry F. 29/04/20
I have been involved with a dropped grenade incident. Well not dropped, but poorly thrown.
Soldier using the grenade was hit with shrapnel, not serious but required a bit to be removed from flesh. I found 2 bits of shrapnel in my jacket over a month later when I was putting it on and scratched my self on it. Still have it in a jar somewhere.
He would have seriously wounded or killed another soldier who was forward of him and firing section gun had it not dropped into a wee depression 5 feet from him and on the other side of a 44gal drum.
He was wearing a patrol pack and the shoulder strap slipped and impeded his throw. He bravely tried to run forward and warn the other soldier until I and a safety DS jumped on him. Grenade went off and we were all peppered but thankfully not seriously. We were uphill from blast. He actually shielded me as I was pulling him to the ground from behind.
I thought the other soldier was definitely dead. However before the smoke cleared the gun started up again.
A lot of shit flowed downhill over that I can tell ya. Everyone ducking for cover as to who was responsible.
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Remember my old man back on the farm convincing mum to fire a shot with his jungle carbine 303. Short barrel thing - booted like a mule. She lay down, lined it up on the target and pulled the trigger. BOOM!!, the 303 leapt upwards out of her non-existent grasp, and likely gives her a slap. She gets up without a word, then walks back to the house.
She never touched another rifle, and oddly enough he never mentioned the subject again...
At college I attended a range day at Waiouru and had the chance to fire a M16, C9, SLR and the then new Styer....whilst waiting in line to have a go on the C9 I was offered a few shots with a guys 270 hunting rifle.
At the time the only scoped rifle i had fired was a 22...I was having trouble looking through the scope and the guy said to move my head back n fourth till it was guessed it....put my eye up close to scope and BOOMFA....had a nice cut eyebrow and a steady flow of blood running down my face.
Hated 270's ever since![]()
yup 50bmg pistol
yep my tf intake was amongst 1st to be allowed to throw grenades after the earlier tragedy in waioru which cost two RF SNCOs their lives.
from memory R93 wasnt one or both awarded the George Cross for bravery posthumously.
we had to throw practise grenades 1st and we had a smartarse platoon commander (who after having me in an orderly room found out to his chagrin I was related to him on my mothers side).cocky wee bloke bet us he coupld put 5/5 throws into a car tyre at 20m .
fuck me a cricketer he missed the fucking lot .first three in our section dropped em in like turds down the porcelain.that cost hima dozen piss and 20 pressups in front of us.
anyhow west melton range the big day and Im bricking it.our Plt Sgt Mitch Mitchell was in the throwing bay with again .....right shut up listen up dont fuck up.
we did a dummy run with the drilland me moment grenade leaves my hand hits deck,only to hear a sound like an enraged bull in my lughole"do not anticipate the word of fucking command "
we repeat I duck-oh fuck hold on from under rim of battle bowler me sees eyes of one Sgt Mitchell whom it seems followed mein spite of his previous.
he never said a word-the real deal went off spot on -frankly that crack/hiss as it detonates still leaves me cold when i think about it and to see the fig11 target later only reinforces that feeling what a terrible weapon at close range.Its taken 43 years for me to reveal the secret of the SGT who'll stick in my memory also for including me as a reserve in his rugby team when they played sydenham at burnham part of my CB punishment. a great instructor and mentor all the same!!
mortars /arty -FFS dont ever hire em to dig your garden. youll need an excavator to find ya spuds after those buggers turned ya soil over.most hills at tekapo trg area usually moved 100m sideways after a few arty /mortar displays loosened em up!1
actually heres a wee yarn on the subject .
Brit SAS being the mischevious buggers they are came up with a new anti personnel weapon -a minature 105mm howitzer concealed in a scotsmans sporran.Angus a braw scotty lad hard as glasgow granite,scared of no man(and very few wimmin) traipses out to the range to test said item
30mins later door of COs office swings open ,in staggers Angus
Well did it work
aye boss sure did too bloody well in fact
took out all the targets
fuck in recoil is still makin me eyes water!!
I think we had Singaporean made 40mm frags also. Firing into one of the streams in Zone 20 (I think that's what it was) and onto the opposing bank, we must have had 2 or 3 blinds from the case. One went off about 1 minuet after impact, giving everyone a hell of a fright (we had taken our muffs off). Anyway after the delayed grenade detonation we had stopped firing the grenades and started the C9s when unfortunately we set fire to the scrub with our tracer. Now you would think this was a big problem so we radioed the fire fighters who were not in the slightest bit interested (I mean who would want to cross into zone 20 anyway). To every ones horror a Sgt decided to go over into zone 20 and put the fire out himself. What a twat, he had hardly made it to the base of the opposite bank when another blind exploded. He was luckily below the explosion but he must have heard some of the fragments hissing overhead. A few more meters and he would have had a colander for a head.