I'll get a dawn round in on the Kinloch 9 holer on Thursday, see how long before the armed offenders show up! I know I'll get some practice shots at the bunnies.![]()
I'll get a dawn round in on the Kinloch 9 holer on Thursday, see how long before the armed offenders show up! I know I'll get some practice shots at the bunnies.![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
The Hangawera shoot had a centerfire event like this called the Jungle Lane.
Targets of various sorts from 1 metre to 100m. Mostly gongs.
Keep firing till you hit the target then move on to the next. .223 have to hit twice (double tap).
Range officer accompanies shooters one by one.
Targets spread out in scrub over about 500m course. (Range officer gets very fit)
Score is by time. You run like stink. Makes the Ruahine hunters biathlon feel very lazy. More like goat hunting with dogs than golf.
There were about 25 targets and I used 3 mags from the .303. Round counts for AR users were more like 80 - 100.
I took 13 min but most others got round in under 10 min, some down to 6.
Fantastic fun.
Gillie has had the occasional stage where you shoot at a target till you hit it, moving on to progressively smaller or more difficult ones. This really hones your concentration and I think would enable shooters to perform at their peak abilities.
Kim, if you go beyond 500m I think I'll need a mercy exit - maybe a max of 5 shots per target ! Or drink a compulsory double shot latte for 7mm08 users. Could get very messy if I start missing early ...
You cannot miss fast enough!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GPREventsNZ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/sgil045
Haha, I have no doubt you'd out shoot me...latte and all :-) . I'm using the 7mm08's chubby cousin, so not a lot in it now.
The par idea is cool or a shot limit per target, say max 5? MOA gong size?
I'm not a huge fan of firing lots of rounds for the sake of it, or time limits... a hit is hit in my books. That was the appeal to me, nice leisurely stroll like golf, but with rifles not clubs :-)
Corrected this for you. And yes this jungle lane is a lot of fun. The main issue with it is that it takes a long time to get a group of people through it - and the poor range officer has to run with everyone!
I have a couple of videos taken from this event, one of me walking the course with my .375H&H and another of a service rifle shooter running the course with his AR and a 100round drum magazine.
1 MOA sized gongs makes for a hard day. Have a look at the results for the Hangawera Sniper shoot and you will see how people struggle with MOA sized targets. In fact I just looked at my Woodstock event and the average targets size was 1.8MOA with nothing smaller than 1.3MOA. The average score this year was about 28% of a possible with only 4 people out of 18 getting over halfway!
Time limits... it would be great to be able to just stroll round and shoot a few targets... Malcolm and I did this the first couple of shoot we ran. Took for bloody ever for some people to fire a simple shot and as a result took a long time to get 15 people through the course...
Firing lots of rounds... funny, really. If I am competing I will likely not bother travelling for a 20 shot event. I'll travel for a 60 shot event though. Each to their own, I suppose.![]()
You cannot miss fast enough!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GPREventsNZ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/sgil045
It is not a bad idea, just needs some thinking to get off the ground. Maybe have "tee" times for different squads or people to start at different stages... And ideally you want a location where you don't have to pack up targets after the day as well.
Funny i didn't get wet at all.Just dug up the video - will put it on my youtube channel.
You cannot miss fast enough!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GPREventsNZ
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/sgil045
All good points @Gillie. I have zero experience organising shoots, you have shit loads and know what pitfalls there are.
Golf seems to me a neutered down derivative of old English field target archery. Much of the terminology is the same and so is the flow of play. Nowdays of course, the rifle is the real thing. Airgun and rimfire have their place, but only over ranges those weapons were intended for, in my opinion.
So, having discussed it, we have come back to the leisurely gentleman's golf model, with a basic time limit at each firing point. Score should be the total number of shots to hit all the targets, with lowest score the winner. Unlike golf, you don't get progressively closer to your target so a maximum of say 5 shots could be one way to deal with it. Another way might be for shooters who miss to move say 50m closer for the next shot and another 50 for the third till they do hit it. Every point would count. (I used to do a competition like this with my flatmate using a crossbow in the back yard. A moro bar was stood up vertically about 20m away and each took a shot. If you hit it, you eat it. If both missed we took a step forward and shot again. Around 13m the moro bar was always history. It was a high pressure match all right.)
Payback for the smart bastards that own one! TheI
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Thanks for endorsing my intell... inti.... untulg.... smartness...... as for ...
"223 can shoot golfballs at 900m that leaves the rest of us scratching our nuts hence you need to do it twice if you have a 223"... I can only do that if they are being putted or chipped... I have not managed to get one in the air of a driver at more than 600m yet.
That was all Semi-Autos needed to double-tap the target. Bolt acctions and pump guns are allowed to shoot the targets once only. But relay it should be only people using .223. I had to double tap the targets with my SLR. Honestly how often do you have to shoot something twice with 7.62?