Thought I would make an AK brass catcher based on photos of the proper Valmet one.
Half an ice cream container, gaffer tape and velcro took a while to tune and reshape.
1. Had to cut the bottom out, as the hot .308 brass soon melted my fancy netting bag.
2. Cut too much the back out, so hot .308 brass then landed on my knuckles and occasionaly went down my sleeve. Still have a nice brass shaped scar on my wrist.
Version 2.0 is working a bit better.
Welcome to Sako club.
Discovered you have to watch these short barrel truck 22s. Driving alone on station with both windows half down and rifle pointing out drivers side. Spotted bunny out passenger's window so moved to left, lined it up and blew the passenger's window out - glass started just under the scope.
Mate's truck...
Nek minit..
My old man was unloading an old 1906 .22 in the wash house, it was worn and if you held the trigger while pumping the action it would fire ,bit like a semi, he was working the action to check all the rounds had slid out of the tube mag but had his finger resting a little to hard on the trigger,had it pointing up wards in a safe direction as usual so no one was hurt when it went off, bullet went through a box of pears sitting on a high shelf through a pink plastic potty and out through the wall clipping a water pipe on the way.
I then got a lecture about gun safety![]()
Just a slopy retrobate
My granddad did the exact same thing with what sounds like the same rifle except he was pointing it down and it whent into the floor between Grandmas feet! It used to and still does occasionally stick the last round in the tube. He was not popular.
They have both been gone for years now but this still gets brought up at family gatherings
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
yeah I still have it and holding one in the tube is always an issue ,same with my grandads one which I have and my marlin m60 dose it ocasionaly as does the miroku ML 22. Just something to be aware of with tube mags.
Just a slopy retrobate
me an the brother when where younger had a 303 each an loooottttsssss of grandads an uncles armor percing rounds 12 cake tins full
but they where shocking an having the rim split,,,,we where dumb an young an wanted to blast them but around every 1 in 20 stained your faces with the powder coming out the backkind of bad now thinking back we kept blatting away
Crikey that reminds me of one of our first outings shooting rabbits with the good old $80 .303 (slight bulge in barrel) and banging off a pile of manky tarnished old ammo from the Petone gunstores hidden depths
a magazine went like: boom, click, click, hangfire, boom, hangfire, click - never thought anything of it at the time
Not to mention that we were spotlighting with a little torch and having to hold it behind the action so we could use the iron sights![]()
First reloading press lee c-frame resizing 308 brass using hornady one shot case jammed in sizing die went to H&F and bought stuck case remover attempted to remove stuck case in c-frame press broke press clean off its base and handle snapped in two.......oooops
Found out today why you're meant to run new brass through a FL die. Projectile stuck in throat... lucky I saved that cartridge for last to see if it made a a difference
Oops this gotta hurt
44mag did the damage
I reckon its Adams, he walks all funny since your trip![]()