Keep it simple, bore sight it around 50meters I use a tennis ball. Then at the range start at 25m one shot adjust then one shot again till you are just under your aiming point. Then straight to 100m and adjustments. I would have it hitting around and inch high of your aim point at 100 then put your target at 150m this being your max range and fire a three shot group to confirm and make final adjustments. Use a front bag and rear bag rest to eliminate any human error. Steady trigger control and allow a few minutes between each groups barrel to cool and make adjustments.
When in doubt check Larry out
Grouchy Smurf had it right all along...
Whaka YEAH !!! Lazza da MAN ...
thats good stuff , nice one @Survy![]()
Larry is onto it. However, no one has mentioned that when you bore sight you turn the turret adjustment in the opposite to the way that you want the reticle to move.
It will become self evident when you actually do it.
I ve been getting good results last week or two by starting at 50. getting the vertical perfect then moving out to 100 to adjust the horizontal. Starting at 50. Has made it easy to adjust and make repeatable shots plus be able to say there's something not right at an early stage in the process.
"This is my Flag... Ill only have the one ..
Why even ask just google it , then you would not have to read and put yourself through this lot of righteous Grandmas all with there chosen remedys
I ask because I expect something like this would generate a number of different opinions and experiences which could help me in deciding which is the best way to try first. Google would probably bring up the same array of answers but I cannot then interact with the answers provided if something need questioning. That and this is a forum, they don't work very well if you google everything.