I don't think Chris Kyle would have worried if he couldn't shoot v bulls all day.
A movie coming out about him will no doubt confuse the differences between real soldiers and Hollywood fiction.
I don't think Chris Kyle would have worried if he couldn't shoot v bulls all day.
A movie coming out about him will no doubt confuse the differences between real soldiers and Hollywood fiction.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
Purely better academic accuracy isn't the only factor to shooting ability, this is retarded
hehe funny how this thread goes from an obvious observation to them and us . Kris Kyle rest his soul and well worthy of a movie. A large point about marksmanship in the article really is target shooter shoot shitloads snipers dont --pretty simple although it lacked in the reality of the extremes in real pressure versus target and still versus moving
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
I'm closer to a target shooter than a sniper and I think this is retarded because you can't draw any conclusions from a shitty 2 paragraph article about a meaningless bit of faux-trivia with no real data provided that doesn't take into account a hilarious number of variables
one imagines they didnt fuck around while accessing things.Probably the bigger real point about this army test they were getting real about their shooting ability or lesser ability compared to the civvies they shot against . good on them as the honesty will see possible improvements in the skill levels
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Also the conclusions you've drawn from the page you linked are pretty hilariously totally unrelated to what the paper is actually about so thanks for proving my point
Nuff said in your case as far as the military side of the equation goes. The whole motive is to sell a product to fix something that is not broken. It is the US forces we are talking about after all.
No corruption or hand-outs happen to ensure a big military deal goes through there. It would never happen.
The test is flawed and irrelevant in so many ways but you simply fail to acknowledge it.How would the results read if there were moving targets at 3,5 and 600? If being able to plug a v bull on a range ever overshadowed field craft and numerous other qualities, there will be a lot of dead, fat, tweed wearing cunts, covered in their own shooting mats on future battlefields
Last edited by R93; 07-08-2013 at 01:13 AM.
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
the funny thing is the retards that tested this were --Project White Feather is a U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM)-sponsored effort to apply advanced sniper weapon fire control technology that will extend range and increase first round hit probability for special operations applications
but GIMP this is retarded
Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question
Okay smartarse, since you obviously didn't actually read the paper it's talking about:
1: it's estimated
2: it's sourced from a 1990 paper, which I haven't bothered to read yet so let me know if it has any profound revelations
3: read the key to the table, specifically (a) and (b) and think about the selection bias in (b)
4: drawing worthwhile conclusions from that terrible page you linked isn't possible
5: I'm going to bed, please read things
Table from the paper: