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Thread: : Snipers vs. Competition Shooters

  1. #91
    ebf is offline
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    I've heard that he is bulking up for some MMA style fight in the upcoming redneck games
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  2. #92
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    I've heard that he is bulking up for some MMA style fight in the upcoming redneck games
    I have been working on my mono ab lately.
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  3. #93
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    I dont get ya Gimp -other than its way more pages than I want to read it is an analysis done for the Special operation unit and you think it shit --well Ok doesnt alter the original point though -snipers shoot less than target shooters ...well in the US and hence their ability shoot first round hit at distance are less than a well rehearsed target shooter --no hard to comprehend in my view
    No the analysis literally has nothing to do with what you and your shit clickbait link think it does and you seem to be completely unable to read my posts pointing this out or, I dunno, the original source

  4. #94
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Why did you post this thread El b? Honestly? What bearing has it got on anything?

    I am sure most serving soldiers would acknowledge that on average and in a one off comp the seasoned target shooter would have it over the unit trained sniper 9/10 times on a gazetted range, shooting F class or the like.
    Military marksmen don't shoot V bulls. They are silhouette or 3 dimensional shooters. 95% of their targets are moving or snap. Any LR targets are/should be well thought out and only taken when there is a high % chance of hit.

    Get yourself a head-shaped target, not modeled off yours as that would just be cheating. Thats good R93 good humor bwwhhhaaaaaaaaaaa .Ssdly Im not shooting enough nowadays and would just fall into the lowly sniper ability according to the article

    Draw a 100mm dia circle centred, from the tip of the nose.
    Fix it to a long pole and get someone to operate it for you from the butts of an NRA range.
    Set yourself up at 300. Get the target op to give you 5 x 3 sec exposures in the center of your lane over 5 minutes. Then 5 x 3 sec exposures any height and anywhere in your lane across a 6m frontage over 5 minutes.

    This was considered to be a gift serial at the start of a badge shoot. You get 5 points in the circle or cutting the line, 3 points outside but on the target.
    Target is to spin and fall when hit. Target is to be snapped into and out of position.
    Worth 50 points.
    No sighters allowed, just rock up and shoot. Just a wee taste of Military type shooting if you fancy yourself.
    I would love to do all that shit -shame we dont have the facilities to do this stuff .
    Now after all that back fanatical muslim back whipping and lamenting the original article was what it was -nothing more nothing less -a mans observation of a companies observation about a versus b -- 7pages of interest mmm not bad
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  5. #95
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    No the analysis literally has nothing to do with what you and your shit clickbait link think it does and you seem to be completely unable to read my posts pointing this out or, I dunno, the original source
    prove me wrong with a cut and paste -more than willing to take it on the chin Gimp !!!
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  6. #96
    Caretaker Wildman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    prove me wrong with a cut and paste -more than willing to take it on the chin Gimp !!!
    Single syllables and no more than 50 words. No numbers bigger than 10.

  7. #97
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildman View Post
    Single syllables and no more than 50 words. No numbers bigger than 10.
    youve read the whole article have you wildman or just stirred from mental hibernation to add a worthless pennys worth
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  8. #98
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    I would love to do all that shit -shame we dont have the facilities to do this stuff
    And I would hazard a guess 99% of civilian target shooters have not done any shooting of that nature either.
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  9. #99
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    yep Id go along with that about the movers .Movers are the main problem as one needs either permission to walk in the butts which generally arnt to big so you need to shoot pretty quick or a chain driven mechanism which is a real enthusiast domain .

    In saying that it is still just a mathematical shot depending on distance , wind and target movement speed .
    Depending on distance many enthusiast could accomplish this I believe given the opportunity -its more a thing of distance I would think that would screw ones shot up with a longer distance wind call being that much harder .

    Its all good fun though doing this stuff if you have a facility to have a go !
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question

  10. #100
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    come on Wildman Im awaiting another penny's worth
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  11. #101
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by el borracho View Post
    yep Id go along with that about the movers .Movers are the main problem as one needs either permission to walk in the butts which generally arnt to big so you need to shoot pretty quick or a chain driven mechanism which is a real enthusiast domain .

    In saying that it is still just a mathematical shot depending on distance , wind and target movement speed .
    Depending on distance many enthusiast could accomplish this I believe given the opportunity -its more a thing of distance I would think that would screw ones shot up with a longer distance wind call being that much harder .

    Its all good fun though doing this stuff if you have a facility to have a go !
    Yup, I don't need it explained. I took that type of shooting for granted my whole career. But as easy as you think it would be to adopt for a civilian. Isn't it fair to assume the soldier, with the same time spent shooting v bulls could be as good as any target shooter?
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  12. #102
    Member BRADS's Avatar
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    Me thinks you guys are all nuts this is a very good read on the subject.
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  13. #103
    308 is offline
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    El B, has it ever occurred to you that you come across as a bit of a cunt?
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  14. #104
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    Well this thread kindov deteriorated... i'll try a constructive comment.

    In my opinion, precision shooting is something like 90% in your head, 5% physical and 5% the firearm.

    In top level benchrest and F Class shooting the firearm accuracy comes into it more and the physical aspect reduces, but it is still mostly a mental challenge. In military style competitions the physical aspect is more promenent and the rifle accuracy less so. Kinda pointless trying to compare them, they are simply different.

    Just about anyone (civie or military) who puts in the training, practice and mental energy into precision shooting could be as good as just about any competitive shooter in any competition (civie or military).
    Norway, Bryan and R93 like this.

  15. #105
    Member el borracho's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Yup, I don't need it explained. I took that type of shooting for granted my whole career. But as easy as you think it would be to adopt for a civilian. Isn't it fair to assume the soldier, with the same time spent shooting v bulls could be as good as any target shooter?
    actually R93 I never did -As the original article eluded to "rifletime "was the key and it didnt compare any physical attributes -in fact reading pg 16 or point 5 i think said a prone rested position not under stress . Funny as hell as a few are showing fanatical attributes of some middle eastern people over this simple observation .
    Tweed or not to Tweed that is the question



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