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Thread: Snipers world record kill

  1. #31
    Terminator Products Kiwi Greg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 6x47 View Post
    Some ballpark figures : 750 with G7 of 0.37 leaving at 2900 would make for 330 MOA drop with a 200 zero and drift 27 mins in a 10mph wind at 3550yds.
    No scope/rail combo allows for that much come-up so they'd have to be aiming way above the target, ie WAG territory
    Yeap that was what I was getting at earlier, except a McMillans 29" barrel is way too short to get 2900 with a 750 closer to 2700 fps or less
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  2. #32
    #KnowsFuckAll Dorkus's Avatar
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    Haters gonna say its fake...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfGzYye65QA
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    "I heard Jesus did cocaine on a night out. Eyes wide-open, dialated, but he's fine now. And if his father ever finds out, then he'd probably knock his lights out...
    Gets a little messy in heaven "
    - Venbee

  3. #33
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorkus View Post
    Not fake for sure
    The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change; until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds

  4. #34
    Member Beetroot's Avatar
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    Be interesting to know how many shots it took to get a hit.
    The previous longest shot by Craig Harrison took 9 shots to get a hit, pretty sure he had to "walk" the shots on to the target.
    The previous previous by Rob Furlong only took 3 shot, which is very impressive, a documentary about it said that the 2nd shot just clipped the enemyies backpack.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    Ten seconds flight time. Impressive. How many clicks of up?
    ALL of them!

  6. #36
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    if said target was situated on say left hand edge of a high rise building......330 mtrs = how many floors...crosshair COULD have been on top corner of said building. its a hell of a shot for a hell of a cause...... if it saved the lives of soldiers it was necessary at timely. good on that man.

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    That middle east thing is a really hard one,
    It is? Na, it's a real easy one. Tell the yanks to pack their bags and fuck off out of the whole area, including israel whom they have gifted 1.6 trillion dollars to and are illegally holding land that does NOT belong to them.
    It's well proven yanks are behind IS, but wait, they have been poking their noses in that area since the 60s. Critical year being 1979.
    Yanks are very actively trying to get rid of the ELECTED leader of Syria who is liked by the people there. Recall them going into Iraq because WMD? Yeah, that was a total lie like most things that happens when the yanks want something.
    Friwi, rossi.45 and Frodo like this.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorkus View Post
    I reckon they videoed him squeezing off and then started a stopwatch. A few seconds later another sniper shot him from only 200yds and made it look like an impossibly long range kill.

    Aint nobody got time for 300+m of drop. I call bullshit.
    Why don't you write to them and tell them it's bullshit then?

    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) | DND CAF

    Contact details are at the bottom of the web page. Go on, call them out.

    Let us know if you get a reply.

  9. #39
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    As above, it's true but pulled off by sheer luck
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  10. #40
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    As Rushy has mentioned the publication would put fear in to the IS fighters. Also I wouldn't call it glamorizing the sniper for taking out the plague that is IS. They need to be eradicated, and the more this is publicized the better it is for everyone.
    this is funny . . . with all the technology used against these guys, the heavy weapons, airpower, drones etc etc . . . you think a sniper is going to scare them.

    i once watched on utube a guy in sandals with an AK47 dodging around buildings while a gunship circled around him hunting him, letting loose every now and again with canon fire . . . these guys do not scare that easily.

    one of the reasons to show examples of killings over and over again in our media is to make killing normal . . . and its worked as far as i can tell.
    Wirehunt, Pointer and Frodo like this.
    without a picture . .. it never happened !

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wirehunt View Post
    It is? Na, it's a real easy one. Tell the yanks to pack their bags and fuck off out of the whole area, including israel whom they have gifted 1.6 trillion dollars to and are illegally holding land that does NOT belong to them.
    It's well proven yanks are behind IS, but wait, they have been poking their noses in that area since the 60s. Critical year being 1979.
    Yanks are very actively trying to get rid of the ELECTED leader of Syria who is liked by the people there. Recall them going into Iraq because WMD? Yeah, that was a total lie like most things that happens when the yanks want something.
    Just like Gaddafi - free oil, free loans, free agricultural supplies to those interested in farming...for the most part, he was very generous to his people and well liked. Although, if you were against him - you better have been great at turning invisible!

    Democracy will not work in the Middle East. Dictatorships work well there. Yes, people are often killed under such regimes, but you've got to look at it from a balanced perspective, and you've got to understand the culture first and foremost. You'll only be able to do the latter by a) immersing yourself in it...or b) immersing yourself in it or c) by being open-minded and trying to understand.

    E.g why are innocent children and women killed under such dictatorships? Behavioural nuances often found among Arabs in general, include stubborness and revengfulness (esp. if provoked). If someone is lobbying against the government, and they are executed, there will often be repercussions if close family and friends (whom more often than not would share the same ideology) aren't dealt to. It's sad, and may seem barbaric from our Western influenced perspective, but that's the way it is. You cannot change a cultures general behavioural characteristics via bombs and sending western troops in to shoot the 'bad guys'. That is partly why the argument "but, but - the dictator kills so many innocent people, he should be dealt to!!" doesn't hold a lot of water. It's a different system over there, and people are born into it, and they know the rules. Families are also a lot tighter knit than they are in the West, so beliefs are often very mutual. The irony is that these wars are achieving the very thing that they're meant to 'alleviate' (death of innocents), but it's happening at a much larger scale, and it's a lot messier- I.E families are broken, and children grow up revengeful, and the cycle continues.

    The only type of person who can effectively manage an environment fraught with division (which has existed for thousands of years in the ME), is someone who was born and raised in such an environment and wields an iron fist. NOT some western bureaucrat who owns shares in the major oil companies. Take Saddam Hussein as an example. He was an aggressive, bastard of a person, but Iraq was better off as it was then, compared to the power void it's now essentially become.

    In saying all of this, young Middle Easterners are becoming increasingly Americanized. They dress like Americans, they eat similar fast food, they use the same social media, etc, etc. That is both good and bad. On one hand it could mean that there may be small cultural shifts, and value based shifts over time. It could also mean that some beneficial cultural values become eroded over time...

    Relatively young people are also getting into parliament and branches of govt and gradually allowing their voices be heard (you don't learn that via Fox News or Newshub)...and it's not particularly news worthy either, because any recommendations made to govt will often be very gradual and diplomatic in nature. It's not the USA. Political scandals and outright demonstrations of contumacy often result in people disappearing...

    As for the 'terrorism' in Europe as of late. Who actually knows who those people are/were, what their backgrounds are/were, whether they were engaging in those criminal activities under the guise of Islamic ideology, or if they were truly faithful to it, or what the status of their mental health was...etc, etc. Apparently the only prerequisites to being a 'terrorist' are dark/olive skin, facial hair, a middle eastern name and the ability to chant "Allah Akbar" as you mindlessly instigate violence and impose hell on those around you.

    The dictionaries definition of terrorism is: the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

    Depending on the context, terrorism can sometimes be a strategic and effective catalyst for change. In no way am I endorsing it - but without a core political aim, it's not really terrorism. That word is often wildly thrown about...
    Wirehunt and Pointer like this.

  12. #42
    R93 is offline
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    Frodo. If These so called people stayed in their own countries and practiced their culture and violence no one would really have an issue.

    But they don't. They flock like locusts to where they will get a free ride.
    They infiltrate genuine refugee migrations, move to other sympathetic countries and if they do not get their own way they commit atrocities.

    Case in point the Australian Q&A affair program recently, where they interviewed several Syrian refugees.
    They were asked if they were happy to be in a safe country like Australia. They all shook their heads and said no.
    The people that used them as human shields and killed many of their friends were on the same plane as them.

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  13. #43
    Member rossi.45's Avatar
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    staying in your own country cuts both ways . . . do you hear much on main stream news how the West utterly fcked Libya, how the refugee problem was contained till then.

    how France with NATO and US help fueled the civil war there and later went in grabbibg all the water and oil rights . . . we are the guys . . . yeah right !

    dont talk about an illegal war against Iraq based on complete bullshit to grab their oil .. . we are the good guys . . . yeah right !

    and its the refugees fault . . . funny how that works . . . we are the good guys . . . just keep telling yourself that
    Wirehunt and Frodo like this.
    without a picture . .. it never happened !

  14. #44
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    I do not support immigrants who turn their noses up at integration, either. If you're going to adopt a new environment as your home, it's important to adapt to it. I agree with you there. But a lot of refugees do, do that. One media interview, cherry picked by the media isn't exactly representative of an entire body of people.

    "If these so called people stayed in their own countries and practiced their culture and violence no one would really have an issue.".....But that's how a lot of people feel about America - the U.S. thrives on a culture of conflict too, (they just prefer to do it offshore).

    The acts of terrorism on western soil are largely a symptom of the conflicts being waged in the ME, not the other way around.

    I'm not taking a dig at the military or those who choose to go down that route. My grandfather spent his entire life in the army - I get it. It's the people who create the circumstances in which military action becomes justified, that I have no respect for.
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  15. #45
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    @R93 if some offshore group bombed fuck out of you town, supplied all kinds of armaments to the gangs to the point you couldn't take it anymore and left....would you have bit of a bad attitude? Might want to stick it some of the fuckers that were behind it?
    Micky Duck and rossi.45 like this.



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