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Thread: Some Steyrs coming up For Sale??

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    What a load of crap , what they will replace the AUGs ( 20 inche , 1-7 twist ) with is a short M4 variant ( 14.5 inche barrel ) , YEAp that will solve all your long range problems , every one knows you GET more range & power from a short barrel rifle .

    RE the 30cal Minimis , thats not what I would have brought , Opps , as its to lite and will not handle the abuse of a L7/MAG58 EVER , and thats about correct weight & design to last tens of thousandes of rounds .

    The C9 Minimi , is not with out its faults either , a couple of mods would do wonders , but at least it was not going to loosen yours fillings .

    Probably the best very lite GPMG in a full cal , is the Russian PKM , better than a NEW 7.62 Minimi , in my opinion .

    So in the current vain , lets also chop the C9 barrels to 13 inches ( Para Minimi ) and thats just for long range in mountains , makes prefect sense .

    Later Chris

  2. #47
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    6-5 Grendel

  3. #48
    R93 is offline
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    Until Nato changes caliber we are stuck with the 5.56 and 7.62 for service weapons. Pretty stupid running around a battlefield with a unique caliber when you have run out of first line ammo.
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  4. #49
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    That's what they should change too

  5. #50
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    That's what they should change too
    Oh. Ok.
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  6. #51
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    I prefer the Ugo SX 52 14" in the new 6.5 Groan. Its rate of fire far exceeds the M27 that the Australians are currently introducing. And theSX 52 is problem free and uses the groan which is the most accurate military calibre ever commissioned.
    Of course, we will follow the yanks like we always do and end up with the M26 which is miles behind the M27 let alone the SX 52, and we all know about the jamming troubles the M26 had in Iraq.

    Defence is led by a bunch of wombles anyway, and I have no confidence that they will make the right decision. Look at the complete waste of time the minime RP 5.27 was, they can't even source ammo for them now.

    And gimp, if you want references, go find them yourself. I know that all of this is correct.
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  7. #52
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    What we need is fricken laser beams

    5.56 is great as a military round, same with the 7.62x51, 338LM and 50bmg. They all have their places.

    You can't have your cake and eat it to, 5.56 may lack range in some situations but then you can carry 2-3(?) times the ammo than you could with a 7.62x51, great in a firefight having all that extra ammo.

    I see the importance of sticking with the NATO ammo and hope the next rifle takes STANAG mags. I also see the merit in sticking with the same weapon as Australia or USA or GB, conventional wars (if there is ever another one) are won with logistics. In fact I don't even know why they bother wasting money on testing weapons, they should just get whatever Australia, USA or GB does and use the money saved on live fire training.

    I like the steyr, I find it far more ergonomic than a M4.
    Eion and Ryan like this.

  8. #53
    R93 is offline
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    This is getting a bit out there. People that are not military in any sense, suggesting what they should do and buy. I thought that sort of advice only come out of the beehive
    There is a military term that used to be used: "Troops to task" Same goes for equipment. The role of our army has to be fully understood before anything like weapons can be decided upon. How many people on here know what that is?
    We follow the Yanks, Canucks, Aussies and Brits because they are our allies and within reason there is a need to be totally modular throughout Nato as far as troops and training goes.

    Weapon accuracy in assault weapons and LMG's is not really that important. Winning the intial fire fight in any engagement is most important. Things generally fall into place after that. Caliber of a weapon has little to do with it at the end of the day.
    5.56 and 7.62 are as good as anything in order to achieve those goals, end of story. Not to mention the needless financial cost throughout Nato if there was a change of caliber.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  9. #54
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    If the defence force rang me up and said "We got a rifle here you owned,do you want it?" Yes please but like that's gona happen.
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  10. #55
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dundee View Post
    If the defence force rang me up and said "We got a rifle here you owned,do you want it?" Yes please but like that's gona happen.
    Bro! You were in first battalion. How can they possibly know which spoon was yours?

    I would love my issue 226 and rifle to be given to me.
    Last edited by R93; 11-09-2013 at 11:36 PM.
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    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    This is getting a bit out there. People that are not military in any sense, suggesting what they should do and buy. I thought that sort of advice only come out of the beehive
    There is a military term that used to be used: "Troops to task" Same goes for equipment. The role of our army has to be fully understood before anything like weapons can be decided upon. How many people on here know what that is?
    We follow the Yanks, Canucks, Aussies and Brits because they are our allies and within reason there is a need to be totally modular throughout Nato as far as troops and training goes.

    Weapon accuracy in assault weapons and LMG's is not really that important. Winning the intial fire fight in any engagement is most important. Things generally fall into place after that. Caliber of a weapon has little to do with it at the end of the day.
    5.56 and 7.62 are as good as anything in order to achieve those goals, end of story. Not to mention the needless financial cost throughout Nato if there was a change of caliber.
    You shouldn't really dis me. I read many war comics when I was a young man, and I would have been conscripted into the army if I had been born on another date.
    And I have noticed that Blaser have added the the 6.5 Groan to their latest range of calibres. Kiwi Greg is building an improved version of the cartridge almost as we speak (sorry, type).
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  12. #57
    Former Gun Plumber lostlegend's Avatar
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    by now your 226 is probably completely fucked and your steyr is only your steyr in serial number alone. I want the m60's I used as a door gunner in Timor I think they would look awesome mounted on my series 1 landrover.
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  13. #58
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    You shouldn't really dis me. I read many war comics when I was a young man, and I would have been conscripted into the army if I had been born on another date.
    And I have noticed that Blaser have added the the 6.5 Groan to their latest range of calibres. Kiwi Greg is building an improved version of the cartridge almost as we speak (sorry, type).
    I know better to diss you. Depending on what war comics you have read it could have meant an elite soldier posting. I was just a grunt so, know better not to mess with the SAS (Saturday and Sunday) soldiers No disrespect intended to anyone else either. I just find it interesting.
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  14. #59
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by lostlegend View Post
    by now your 226 is probably completely fucked and your steyr is only your steyr in serial number alone. I want the m60's I used as a door gunner in Timor I think they would look awesome mounted on my series 1 landrover.
    My P226 had 20,000 thru it, and still blitzed the accuracy test.

    Unfair. I bet Rushy got to keep his Martini-enfield from the Boer war
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    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  15. #60
    Member Dundee's Avatar
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    It certainly makes you wonder how many rounds have gone through the weopons we used till the present date.
    "Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
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    tps://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20180505T00&p0=264&msg=Dundees+Countdo wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive



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