UPDATE - Sparrowhawk has been booked for the weekend of 7/8 Sept for a NZHS Hunter Challenge type weekend. There will be a page and entry form on the Sparrowhawk website in about 2 weeks.
The Hunter Challenge/Ultimate Hunter type course is 20 target course with the bulk of the targets between 200-450 metres, a couple a bit further, and a wallaby at about 700.
2 shots allowed per target, first for score, second for redemption but non scoring.
It is a walk through course with realistic shooting positions.
Targets are life sized, with a metallic gong for the kill zone. Only kill shots count.
Limited to 50 shooters to keep it all running smoothly and finish in good time.
The Open Range day on the Sunday is at the long range, targets from about 200 metres all the way out to 1000, possibly more. Possibly some sort of competition going, but this is a good chance for like minded shooters to get together and help each other out and improve all of our skills.
Backcountry hut type accommodation available on the Fri for those that want to be there early, and again on Sat night for those wanting to stay on site and shoot on Sunday. Lots of tent space. Huge BBQ. Sparrowhawk are happy to cater for Sat night if shooters want it, price to be advised.
Advisable to have a 4WD to access the range, or a mate with one. Its about 20 minutes 4Wd out to the range.
There will be a post coming up soon in the "Upcoming Events" section.