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Thread: Starts with F and rhymes with grinch

  1. #16
    Member 7mm tragic's Avatar
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    North King Country
    First proper centrefire was an annual range shoot at Wanganui with an ancient and worn out 7.62 SLR. Long time ago but I think it was 100 rounds all up.
    I was as confident as f... I was going to post a record score before the shooting started. By the time my squad was done I don't think I was even looking at the target.
    I was just getting rid of my rounds as fast as I could so I could put that shoulder busting, cheek splitting hunk of British torture away!
    When I say cheek splitting, I'm not joking. Some poor sods literally had blood dribbling onto their stocks at the end of their session.
    Eat Meater likes this.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2023
    New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by will.i.em View Post
    Definitely helped. I've always been chasing the fastest loads. After reading your post, I need to rethink my requirements and reload accordingly.

    It's reassuring when I read other's stories about things that didn't always work out. Otherwise, this forum becomes like social media: I feel crap about my own hunting and shooting because I mostly see success stories.
    When it comes to a hunting rifle I don't chase speed, I chase accuracy, if it's fast and accurate that's a bonus.
    Not many will discuss their unsuccessful stories, and if youv'e been around shooter long enough it's always the firearm at fault never the shooter.....lol

    My first centrefire was a 308W, I can't remember if I shot any factory ammo in it or not, but I did handload for it and using Hornady 165gr bt I found a load that could group under an inch at 100 so was quite happy.
    The rifle, Savege 99, only had that thin rubber buttpad but it weighed in at I think around 10lb with scope, it was certainly easier to shoot than carry lol
    While I had that I had a few shots out of a 303 using some nickel roundnose military ammo and it still had the brass buttplate and quite a rough bore, I'm pretty sure a mule didn't kick as much as that rifle, but the 308 was a pussy compared to that.
    My next centrefire was a brand new Rem 700 BDL in 270W, I won a box of Remington ammo from Remington. I still have the rifle and the full box of ammo as I've only ever shot reloaded ammo in it.
    One of the first things I did was trim the stock and fit a recoil pad to replace the hard plastic buttplate.
    The lighter the rifle the more recoil and one of the worst things to do with a harder recoiling rifle is to fire a lot of ammo from a shooting position that doesn't allow you to "roll" with the recoil.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    @Micky Duck Maybe your #linch started after you visited me last year ?

    You do notice some people's flinching when they forget to cock the hammer double rifle you give them to shoot
    Micky Duck likes this.
    The Church of
    John Browning
    of the Later-Day Shooter

  4. #19
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Yes not one of my finger moments... Nah hot loads in .45/70 brought on that anticipation lol
    flock likes this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  5. #20
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    finer moments...not finger...plurry autocorrect on phone
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  6. #21
    Member Ground Control's Avatar
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    Australia / Marlborough Sounds
    I’ll admit right now that I just can’t shoot heavy recoiling rifles anymore , in fact to be honest I couldn’t shoot them back then , but I tried convincing myself I could .
    The biggest Caliber I own now is 6.5 ( have a CM and a 6.5x55 ) , but the Swede wears a Suppressor and the CM wears a brake both of which tame the already reasonable low recoil .
    The best thing I ever did for my Shooting was to admit I was a “ Big Girls Blouses “ and sell my 7mm Rem Mag etc .
    Then quite a few thousand rounds of .223 and even more .22lr really got me back on track .
    Even with my 6.5’s I don’t like to have extended sessions and limit myself to 15-20 rounds when shooting targets .
    A lot of hard work can be undone quickly if you don’t recognise the signs of Mr Flinchy .

  7. #22
    Member Muttonguts's Avatar
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    Feb 2022
    we havent even mentioned buck fever yet!!!!! thats the premature ejaculation of the shooting world ...[/QUOTE @ Mickey Duck]

    Once watched a supposed “experienced hunter” line up a stag, then eject the whole magazine of live rounds,
    without firing a shot, then asking “did I get it?” That was an embarrassing conversation. Classic buck fever
    Micky Duck likes this.
    If it flies, floats or f#cks, your better off to rent it



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