HI is there anything new going on with regards to the rifle shoot you have had in the past, I have moved to the naki and looking for a place to shoot and
do something competitive
can someone get me in touch with the Ghillie
HI is there anything new going on with regards to the rifle shoot you have had in the past, I have moved to the naki and looking for a place to shoot and
do something competitive
can someone get me in touch with the Ghillie
Hi thanks for getting back to me so quickly, I am now following your Facebook page and im now on here, would be great to come there and squeeze a few rounds off
in amongst great company so please consider me when you have a date
Kind regards
Still spots open at this shoot. I have about a dozen or so competitors and only one or two people coming out for the practice targets.
Weather is looking good. Still spots open.
Weather forecast is looking awesome for Saturday!
Get in touch if you want to come along. Still spots open.
Yet again, another great shoot held by Gillie! Great day in the sun, sweated like a pig cruising around with the shooting stick. Great bunch of guys (and girl), with not so great shooting on my part
.. Think I have used up all the excuses that I can think off.. Haha Gillie, you caught me out with the positional shooting as well as the timing!!!!
Nonetheless, was mint meeting a bunch of like minded people. Again, thanks Gillie for organising the shoot, you're a frigging top bloke! Cannot wait for the next one (hopefully with better shooting on my part too..)
Cheers for the comments guys. Yep, had a lot of fun - I didn't hit many targets but had a lot of fun. I think the heat and carrying round that bloody camera and tripod got me... well, that is what i will blame for not going into a stage with a plan and having already assessed the wind - i wasted a lot of the time limit sorting my own crap out!The video certainly shows where i could improve!
Land owner is keen as to host another shoot...
Cheers Chris, i thought that "contourionist sheep ledge" was great! And yep you are correct about the shooting and running the event. I probably should have shot the course the day before to set up the stage times and then not shot on the day. That would have allowd me to focus on using the camera and running the event.
Video is done, i'll upload it to youtube tonight.
Awesome Video Gillie ...
hi Gillie is this type of shooting informal?
Hi @Breyt
Depends on your definition of "informal". I do not consider it to be a formal shoot - none of the ones i run i would consider formal. i would consider mine to be less formal than the South African Hunting Rifle shooting as my rules system is more open.
It is formal in that you have to shoot specific targets from specific locations under a specific time frame but i rarely dictate what position (prone, sitting, kneeling, standing) the competitor is to use.
Thanks Gillie
Congratulations @Gillie, awesome video and a lot of fun event, I wish I could afford trips to events like this one.
All the best and keep it coming.
Thanks Mac, yep it is a fun event. I should learn from last year's event and shoot the course this year to test it out. Some of the stage time limits last year were simply too short. At least if I don't compete I should be free to run round with the camera for some video or photos.
This year's Tarata Medium Range shoot will be the weekend of the 22nd of November. People should get in touch with me for more details and to confirm their entry. Limited entry spots left at this stage.
Going to be a busy few weeks after this event. I think I have a different field shoot four weekends in a row from then onwards.