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Thread: Test fire: shooting through tape on a suppressor

  1. #31
    Ex stick thrower madjon_'s Avatar
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    I taped the 300 whisper,16 inch,full over barrel suppressor.The tape stayed on but the 240 grn boat tail only made a 2mm hole.
    Only 9.8 grns H110 so not a lot of gas.
    Real guns start with the number 3 or bigger and make two holes, one in and one out

  2. #32
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    Your giving me a headache. Stop with the words.

    If suppressors were used purely for utility and practicality, then people would be fitting them onto old .303's regardless of cost. But they don't. Because its impossible for an old .303 to be modern and cool, ie - fashionable. Suppressors are fashion statements. I will accept their use if you shoot over a dog, or if you shoot on small properties in the UK. Otherwise your just a teenage girl. Yes that includes Crazyman. And you! You know who you are. All of you goddamit. No exceptions.
    I'm going to guess your nuts.
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  3. #33
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    I'm going to guess your a teenage girl with a cool suppressor.

  4. #34
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    If suppressors were used purely for utility and practicality, then people would be fitting them onto old .303's regardless of cost.


  5. #35
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    I don't need the link, I am a gun enthusiast. (Hoplophile?) That's not a .303. And it was for shooting Germans. And who says the guys that made it weren't well, playing for the other team. Fence jumpers. You get my drift. Anyway, you are ignoring my point which was something to do with homophobia in the shooting sports. You need to stop with that.

  6. #36
    res is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    I'm going to guess your a teenage girl with a cool suppressor.
    Na, I'm just a guy who had a 303 with a can on it-and now that I have a few more $ have a few guns with a few different cans on them, only one of which I would classify as cool.

    Maybe your just a troll?

    Or maybe a old man who thinks what was good is all anyone could ever want?

    If I hadn't read a few of you other posts then there would be a third option-that your an idiot with no idea about what your talking about.

    Maybe you have lost so much hearing that you don't see the need, but I'll stick to using every thing I can to protect mine-and I'm going to be very unapologetic about trying to encourage other people to do the same, basically I see your posts as stupid and irresponsible for someone of your background and profile.

    Grow up
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  7. #37
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    Don't be so sensitive petal. Dry your eyes.

  8. #38
    res is offline
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    Troll then
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  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    I don't care about your opinions on suppressors, I'm talking about the homophobia
    I am not afraid of homosexual people. And I would go to war to defend their rights to be flamboyantly gay and have suppressors on their rifles.

  10. #40
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Is it raining there or something? It's sunny here, and I'm going to the range as soon as a certain suppressor arrives on the courier.
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  11. #41
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    Yes its raining and I am waiting for some bullets to arrive and I cant shoot my new Sako till they show up.

  12. #42
    Member sneeze's Avatar
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    Embracing my feminine side I took a couple of suppressed rifles to test the theory.
    I dont have any suppressed large cals but figured a .17 hmr has a good barrel to can ratio and might be interesting and took the .222 as well.
    Name:  IMG_0278_zps8ir3emte.jpg
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    I started with small pieces of tape
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    Only fireing 5 the .17 didnt show any change in overall group size but one round failed to hit the target which is unusual, also the group pattern changed from a very consistent cluster of 4 with one about .75 away to a far more random scatter.
    The .222 showed no adverse signs at all over 5 rounds.
    When recovered all the bits of tape had a neat hole in the center.
    Name:  IMG_0279_zpseax0y7vy.jpg
Views: 429
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    Its hard to imagine anything other than the projectile making the hole but interesting it didn't seem to affect accuracy with the .222 at all. I tried a larger piece of tape running around the sides of the can which stayed in place and the shot went into the same group as well.
    A high speed camera would be the only way to confirm but I would say the tape did not blow off a suppressor before the bullet exits the muzzel in any of the shots fired, accuracy of a 55gr balistic tip at 3050fps wasn't affected by pushing through one layer of insulation tape. The 17gr vmax was influenced and one round missing the target would suggest some relevant interference.
    Small sample of 5 rds per so take it as you will.
    7mmsaum, veitnamcam and res like this.
    "You'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down" Charlie Chaplin

  13. #43
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    You should suppress your sako.

  14. #44
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    I just vomited a little bit.

    That was an interesting test Sneeze.

  15. #45
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    We are lucky this is on a forum. I'd hate to be at a pub and have to yell suppress your sako 6 times before you heard me



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