Hey guys,
Where can I find the info on the latest MSSA act etc? I haven't had much luck on Google.
Hey guys,
Where can I find the info on the latest MSSA act etc? I haven't had much luck on Google.
Google "Arms (military styles semi automatics and import controls)"
I know... it's pretty bad from what I've read so far.
The said they couldn't be bothered getting community input on the definition of MSSAs, and they couldn't be bothered setting up an advisory group helping them with all firearms issues. So instead they're going to keep making their own ignorant minds up about whatever they want.
Why not do this NOW. It is an absolutely artificial distinction. The police are making the distinction up themselves! I mean what difference does it make at the end of the day. How very hypocritical of them to ask for a "more evidence based approach" when they're not using any evidence to show any efficacy behind this bill?Furthermore ACT believes that the distinction between military style semi-automatic firearms and non-military style semi-automatic firearms is artificial. We would welcome any future opportunity to review that distinction with a view to implementing a more evidence based approach to this part of the Arms Act.
No one is that stupid. They have to be pushing their own agenda. But that's not a surprise is it?
I'm going to stop reading this for tonight or it's just going to ruin
1. They have some kind of bizarre agenda
2. We told them how fucked everything was. Guys in my club stood before them and told them. Apparently they were totally clueless, their mind was made up before the submissions were even made, they were just going through the motions to make it seem democratic. "We're doing this because fuck you" basically.
Sigh... yeah it does seem that way. Neither of those surprise me. Just going through the motions to pretend to be democratic. You could see that when they made excuses about not involving citizens, and not creating an firearms advisory board because it's "infeasible" (I think they mean inconvenient for them)/
As you said, I just want to shoot and keep my guns.
I've stopped worrying. Nothing we can really do but lodge judicial reviews where applicable.
Dont stress, what will be, will be. AK's and AR's seem to be the focus of the US proposed law, trouble is everything is grandfathered ie once bought you dont have to hand it in. US gunshops are low on 10+ mags, .223 ammo, reloading and any gun on the list, its farcial, no lives will be saved. I expect it will be the same here.
I agree on the distinction between an AK and a "sporting auto" being pointless, or the shape of the grip making a difference, plain silly. I mean if someone wanted to act illegally they just make their own wooden grip up, all you need is a piece of wood, hand drill, jig saw and belt sander a 14 year old could do it.
Meanwhile the pollies will want to be seen to looking after the clueless voters from those nasty gun toting animal killers so of course it will pass.
take care!
I've come to realize it isn't worth getting wound up by shit you can't do anything about. My advise would be to enjoy shooting what you have and contribute to any pro-gun action going forward. These last couple of years have been sweet with AR's and stuff, I've enjoyed.
This is the final version that has been submitted for assent.