walk in the door of your environment office and ask. Have done this for probably 20+ yrs. Environment Waikato/ Environment Canterbury etc
"ars longa, vita brevis"
Serious shooters special of M.22, $199/2000 seems OK as far as retail sources. Its a special so not sure how long it will last but I have to say I would rather pay a little bit more for the CCI than buy a couple thousand of something I dont know how well it will run.
A few weeks ago, I bought a brick (500) CCI 40gr standard velocity, from Rusty Dog, in Pukekohe, for $69.99 which I thought wasn't too bad. Dunno if they're still doing it.
Last edited by keneff; 25-06-2017 at 07:36 PM. Reason: speellling
Used to be a fine wine - now I'm vinegar.
most places are doing a brick of SV for $69, it's $59 at reloaders and others may match, not sure. $53/brick if you buy 10 of them![]()
Our club sells CCI std velocity for $50/ brick, with about $10/ brick profit to the club.
The club bought these in bulk to get a better price.
Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.
After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.
Just don't buy Shotmaxx bulk from Guncity like our club, rubbish rubbish rubbish
How come subs are more expensive than standards. A brick of cci subs costs 89 dollars from reloaders.
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Probably because of the extra difficulty of making a round that fits in a narrow velocity band. Whereas Supers just have to go fast. Different projectile construction too, subs softer and designed to work at that speed
Does anyone in Chch stock Geco?
Serious Shooters have CCI standard for $57.50 per brick at the moment. If you stand still long enough, they'll make you a coffee too
Identify your target beyond all doubt