I'm wondering if his winmag was bought on the way to airport? he didn't seem overly comfortable with it
I'm wondering if his winmag was bought on the way to airport? he didn't seem overly comfortable with it
I regularly use my bino harness as a rear bag. Unclip the bottom of the straps and fold it forward tuck it under the but. Find it works quite well. My bino harness is quite a bit more solid than the floppy vortex ones though.
Watched this video last night. As soon as you see the unbraked, unsuppressed Tikka T3 300winmag you know it's all over. The dude had planned to attempt to fire 100 accurate shots in a prone position with this thing. I don't care how strong or big you are, recoil fatigue is real and he must have been beaten to a pulp. If he didn't have a flinch he does now. Even if it was braked I find the noise and pressure fatiguing by itself in the absence of recoil.
oh he had a flinch alright...play it back and you will see a LOT of those shots went off well before he was wanting them to.
one thing that really stood out for me...was at about 10 minute mark..targets under 200 yards with time limit...its hard to get proper range,then dope and dial....WTF???? seriously WTF???
the 2nd thing that stood out was the inconsistancy in how the rifle was held...if you could call it being held.
great watch and yip put on the spot it would be interesting challenge..unsuppressed/braked big .30calibre he sure would have had some interesting bruising.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Even in a nice comfy prone position with bags and bipod, 100 rounds in a range session with a bare 300 winmag in a t3, surely you are going to be wincing after every shot by the end?
Muppet, unbraked Tikka T3 in 300WM. WTF ??
I don’t care how big & strong you think you are, shooting 300WM in a light rifle accurately & repeatedly over a long series of shots prone was doomed to failure. What was surprising to me was the first miss came on 2nd shot, and it was sub 200?? I guess he’s one of those macho twats that subscribe to the “bigger is better” theory. Like the 300WM is some kind of magic death laser that whatever is shot at is going to fall over dead regardless. Hate to think what happened to barrel running 100 shots in a session like that ?!
I'm waiting for someone to step up and accept Eric Cortina's Blackjack challenge with open sights, there is $5000US up for grabs
Happy Jack.
I could only stand watching about half of itGive me "Mark and Sam After Work" any day if I have a lazy quarter hour to kill