mrs northdude and i finally got to the farm today first weekend off since we got put on home d but she was still kind of on call we took her savage 16 708 t3 223 and savage 22 that i gave the action a bit of a de burr and tweaked the trigger and she thought it was a massive improvement on what it used to be t3 was ok still tryin to figure out what it likes and also needs more trigger time to shrink the groups 708 went well knocks her a bit so might try a lighter load or look at a tamer rifle she can target shoot with i can see a 6.5 grendel moving in i took my savage 16 223 a h&r handi 223 and the 6.5 06 the 06 didnt get shot but i watched some goats 430m away i got the h&r to shoot about as good as it will after a bit of experimenting tiny bit over 1.5" at 100 savage well thats going to need more experimenting wont group but i noticed the stock is touching the barrel on one side so ill sort that and try again so not the most succesfull day shooting but its what we would rather be doing good or bad