I just use USPS if it's legal to ship it they will, NZ Post as a whole is useless the only decent thing they do is the dancing girls
I just use USPS if it's legal to ship it they will, NZ Post as a whole is useless the only decent thing they do is the dancing girls
I have a buddy in Kentucky who just sends me things. For similar reasons you're going through, YouShop is a royal pain.
"A party without cake is just a meeting" - Juila Child
Thanks guys lesson learnt. Yes you can order from the diminishing number of retailers who will accept PayPal or an international credit card. The problem with this approach is that they don't understand the cost of freight or what a padded envelope is so you pay $50 for something then the same in postage to get it here. Which was were {insert name of offending company} came in, reasonable shipping and pretty good service well used to be!
People I know have been using a virtual card for US purchases and on aliexpress etc so if its hacked only whats on the balance is taken so not problem if its your main card and you control the balance available on the card .
I have not used this system but might be worth a look......
დიდება უკრაინას
I honestly don't like ARs.
I prefer my knives and guns somewhat traditional.
Each to their own.
Firearms fashion is a very individual thing so I respect that but to my way of thinking the AR design is older than transistors and man landing on the moon so it's fairly traditional to me.