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Thread: Adios amigos I'm ouuta here !!!!!!

  1. #31
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    must be a 6.5mm thing.
    It's not working Micky.
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  2. #32
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    well get yourself a poohseventy then...they ALWAYS work...sorry to hear your 6.5 has let you down...
    dannyb likes this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Shit Danny's don't do that , love your posts. Nice going you had us thinking for a second there.
    dannyb likes this.

  4. #34
    Member Mr Browning's Avatar
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    So if someone wants to leave, they should just go and not say thanks or goodbye to the friends they have found and made on here?

    Yeah, I disapprove of your post, it is selfish, hypocritical, and wanky, but I respect your right to say it as much as I respect the right or the people who leave to say what they like.

    People should be able to leave in whatever fashion they choose. There isnt a right or wrong way (within guidelines).

    Where is your tolerance for others? You want to say what you want but dont others to say what they want, maybe North Korea would suit you better?

    Oh, and your post and title is attention seeking, exactly what you are critising others of doing.

    My opinion only.

    Have a great weekend.
    Moa Hunter and Phil_H like this.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Yeah; but he's joking and not to betaken setiously. It's just piss talk Like, now he's gonna slurp on a dose of hops Should be in the jokes thread actually.
    rugerman and dannyb like this.
    Summer grass
    Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
    the aftermath.

    Matsuo Basho.

  6. #36
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Browning View Post
    So if someone wants to leave, they should just go and not say thanks or goodbye to the friends they have found and made on here?

    Yeah, I disapprove of your post, it is selfish, hypocritical, and wanky, but I respect your right to say it as much as I respect the right or the people who leave to say what they like.

    People should be able to leave in whatever fashion they choose. There isnt a right or wrong way (within guidelines).

    Where is your tolerance for others? You want to say what you want but dont others to say what they want, maybe North Korea would suit you better?

    Oh, and your post and title is attention seeking, exactly what you are critising others of doing.

    My opinion only.

    Have a great weekend.
    You've missed the point somewhat......

    If people wanna leave and say thanks and goodbye, no issue with that at all but lets face it those that are posting these attention seeking goodbye threads are using them as a platform to have one last sling before they do.

    I have plenty of tolerance for others, sorry you feel I don't, my tolerance is generally demonstraited by generally not getting involved in all the bitch fighting and name calling.

    Also there are plenty of topics and threads in the forum that just purely don't interest me or even go against my own beliefs and morals....guess what I dont read them and dont get involved no matter how strongly I disagree or disapprove.

    Lastly this thread and it's title was meant to attract attention in the hope that all these offended people might wake up and take a good look at themselves before going all keyboard warrior on the final hurrah threads as seems to be the current trend.

    I hold no malice or ill will to anyone who just decides this place is no longer for them and wants to leave.
    You wanna say goodbye and thanks sweet do it, there's just no need to make a maytre of yourself in doing so.

    All to often the written word is misconstrued as often the same sentence can hold very different meaning depending on how it's interpreted.

    I don't hide behind a false name and I try not to talk to anyone here in a manner I wouldn't to their face, all to often it's very easy to start abusing people because there's an element of anonymity that comes with social media.

    Dont loose any sleep over it.....cause I sure as hell won't

    Thank you for you on going support
    jakewire and rugerman like this.

  7. #37
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    well get yourself a poohseventy then...they ALWAYS work...sorry to hear your 6.5 has let you down...
    Nah , don't need one mate, you must have misunderstood, 6.5's never let you down.
    Then again neither does a 30 06. nor a 9.3.
    Micky Duck and A330driver like this.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  8. #38
    Bus driver
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    Sep 2015
    .... Im reminded Of the great “Chopper Reid”,such a fine bloke ,eloquent with speech..

    . harden the fuck up,video/advice

    1) Phrase whose meaning could be paraphrased as: "stop being a fucking pussy and act like you have a fucking pair of balls" (or something to that effect). Often used in sports.

    I’ve tried to post the video,as I believe it has sone fine advice and learning lessons......

    I post this “little Piece” in the most friendliest of manners,with a smidgen of tounge&cheek added
    dannyb likes this.
    It's not the mountain we conquer,but ourselves.....Sir Edmund Hillary

  9. #39
    Member Mr Browning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    You've missed the point somewhat...... Or did I?

    If people wanna leave and say thanks and goodbye, no issue with that at all but lets face it those that are posting these attention seeking goodbye threads are using them as a platform to have one last sling before they do. It is their choice, and if it is within the guidelines, whats the problem. Ok, so you dont like it - then do what you have quoted below "guess what I dont read them and dont get involved no matter how strongly I disagree or disapprove".

    I have plenty of tolerance for others, sorry you feel I don't, my tolerance is generally demonstraited by generally not getting involved in all the bitch fighting and name calling. Yet you are using your free speech to object to others expressing their free speech. Dont you see the irony there?

    Also there are plenty of topics and threads in the forum that just purely don't interest me or even go against my own beliefs and morals....guess what I dont read them and dont get involved no matter how strongly I disagree or disapprove. I guess you got involved lol.

    Lastly this thread and it's title was meant to attract attention in the hope that all these offended people might wake up and take a good look at themselves before going all keyboard warrior on the final hurrah threads as seems to be the current trend. I repeat. It is their choice, and if it is within the guidelines, whats the problem. Ok, so you dont like it - then do what you have quoted above "guess what I dont read them and dont get involved no matter how strongly I disagree or disapprove".

    I hold no malice or ill will to anyone who just decides this place is no longer for them and wants to leave.
    You wanna say goodbye and thanks sweet do it, there's just no need to make a maytre of yourself in doing so.

    All to often the written word is misconstrued as often the same sentence can hold very different meaning depending on how it's interpreted.

    I don't hide behind a false name and I try not to talk to anyone here in a manner I wouldn't to their face, all to often it's very easy to start abusing people because there's an element of anonymity that comes with social media.

    Dont loose any sleep over it.....cause I sure as hell won't

    Thank you for you on going support
    I wont loose sleep over it, and Im glad you wont either. It isnt a pick on you or your character, its a pick on your post, so please dont take it personal (Im sure you havent). And yes, you do have my ongoing support, because youre a good bugger, you know that.

    But hey, if you want to tear a strip off others for tearing a strip off others, well then you just opened yourself a can of woop-ass there lol

    Its saturday, Ive finished work, its overcast, and I cant take the gun for a walk because farmer is lambing. Reply at your peril!!


    People reading this need to keep in mind, Dannys post, I believe was made in a light-hearted manner incorporating a genuine point, and my posts are no different with my genuine point being...."you cant object to someone expressing their free speech by expressing your own free speech and think somehow you have the moral upper ground". Of course there are limitations to that if they are expressing racism, hate speech, violence, etc, etc, which is not relevant here.
    The "do as I say, but dont do as I do" doesnt work for me.

    As always, have a safe day.
    dannyb likes this.

  10. #40
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Browning View Post
    I wont loose sleep over it, and Im glad you wont either. It isnt a pick on you or your character, its a pick on your post, so please dont take it personal (Im sure you havent). And yes, you do have my ongoing support, because youre a good bugger, you know that.

    But hey, if you want to tear a strip off others for tearing a strip off others, well then you just opened yourself a can of woop-ass there lol

    Its saturday, Ive finished work, its overcast, and I cant take the gun for a walk because farmer is lambing. Reply at your peril!!


    People reading this need to keep in mind, Dannys post, I believe was made in a light-hearted manner incorporating a genuine point, and my posts are no different with my genuine point being...."you cant object to someone expressing their free speech by expressing your own free speech and think somehow you have the moral upper ground". Of course there are limitations to that if they are expressing racism, hate speech, violence, etc, etc, which is not relevant here.
    The "do as I say, but dont do as I do" doesnt work for me.

    As always, have a safe day.
    Mr Browing you make some valid points, you are correct my post is for the most part a mix of dark humour (can we still say that), tongue in cheek and yes a little bit of a lecture.
    Clearly I struck a chord with many yourself included.
    I guess if I'm guilty of being likened to a communist dictator, it's that I'm just a little sick at tired of all the tantrums and infighting that's been a prominent feature in here lately.
    I will of course return to my normal practices of showing restraint and ignoring all the "fluff".
    Yup lost my patience and had a bit of a vent myself.
    Which as you point out I have a right to do as long as it's with in the guidelines.
    This is of course a hunting and shooting forum just lately it seems more like days of our lives.
    I'm pleased you haven't taken my reply personally it wasn't intended to be personal.
    Like most civilised people I can stand up for myself without resorting to petty name calling.
    Good day to you sir I bear you no ill will and infact value a lot of you input into this place.
    I was a little surprised by your reply but I've had plenty of time to digest it and no I don't take it too seriously.
    Without differing views the place would be pretty boring.
    Let's all just be adults about it
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  11. #41
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Browning View Post
    I wont loose sleep over it, and Im glad you wont either. It isnt a pick on you or your character, its a pick on your post, so please dont take it personal (Im sure you havent). And yes, you do have my ongoing support, because youre a good bugger, you know that.

    But hey, if you want to tear a strip off others for tearing a strip off others, well then you just opened yourself a can of woop-ass there lol

    Its saturday, Ive finished work, its overcast, and I cant take the gun for a walk because farmer is lambing. Reply at your peril!!


    People reading this need to keep in mind, Dannys post, I believe was made in a light-hearted manner incorporating a genuine point, and my posts are no different with my genuine point being...."you cant object to someone expressing their free speech by expressing your own free speech and think somehow you have the moral upper ground". Of course there are limitations to that if they are expressing racism, hate speech, violence, etc, etc, which is not relevant here.
    The "do as I say, but dont do as I do" doesnt work for me.

    As always, have a safe day.
    Mr Browing you make some valid points, you are correct my post is for the most part a mix of dark humour (can we still say that), tongue in cheek and yes a little bit of a lecture.
    Clearly I struck a chord with many yourself included.
    I guess if I'm guilty of being likened to a communist dictator, it's that I'm just a little sick at tired of all the tantrums and infighting that's been a prominent feature in here lately.
    I will of course return to my normal practices of showing restraint and ignoring all the "fluff".
    Yup lost my patience and had a bit of a vent myself.
    Which as you point out I have a right to do as long as it's with in the guidelines.
    This is of course a hunting and shooting forum just lately it seems more like days of our lives.
    I'm pleased you haven't taken my reply personally it wasn't intended to be personal.
    Like most civilised people I can stand up for myself without resorting to petty name calling.
    Good day to you sir I bear you no ill will and infact value a lot of you input into this place.
    I was a little surprised by your reply but I've had plenty of time to digest it and no I don't take it too seriously.
    Without differing views the place would be pretty boring.
    Let's all just be adults about it
    mikee likes this.

  12. #42
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Strewth mate you still here
    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
    I respect your beliefs but don't impose them on me.

  13. #43
    LBD is offline
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    Just like a trashy novel … I read your post all the way though expecting we finally got rid of you...just like expecting the hero to get the damsel on the last page of a novel set in the 1700s.. then WHAM! on the last page as the hero was about to kiss the damsel, an alien invader enters the story for the first time and blasts them to be atoms...."but I'll be back later today" … Garrrgghhhhh what a let down.

    You know I was kidding right?
    dannyb likes this.

  14. #44
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LBD View Post
    Just like a trashy novel … I read your post all the way though expecting we finally got rid of you...just like expecting the hero to get the damsel on the last page of a novel set in the 1700s.. then WHAM! on the last page as the hero was about to kiss the damsel, an alien invader enters the story for the first time and blasts them to be atoms...."but I'll be back later today" … Garrrgghhhhh what a let down.

    You know I was kidding right?
    Hurry up and come home mate, got a frosty bevvy and good company waiting for ya
    LBD likes this.

  15. #45
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oraki View Post
    Ya mean those rainbow trajectory things.... probably only good for unicorns and fairy dust.

    Just as well I run a 70 cal as well....
    You do , and I saw that.
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